

  • When I was younger...

    When I was younger...
    My parents would read me bed time stories when I was younger. This was one of my favorite things in the world and it made me love reading.
  • ESL class...

    ESL class...
    Coming to the United States at a young age, I did not speak English. However, my ESL teachers quickly helped me get through that. One great way they did that was through reading. We did group reading, individual reading, one-on-one reading. All of these strategies, helped me become a better reader, both in English and overall.
  • Reading to my brothers...

    Reading to my brothers...
    My brothers and I loved playing school; I was always the teacher and they were the students. My favorite thing to do was always read to them as part of our "class" time. Not only did I enhance my reading, but I helped them become more interested in reading and enjoy doing so.
  • Esperanza Rising...

    Esperanza Rising...
    My favorite book of all time. I was first introduced to this wonderful book in 5th grade and it changed my life completely. It related to my life so much and it was so enjoyable to read. It made me a strong reader, it made me love reading, and it just changed my life completely.
  • The reading fare...

    The reading fare...
    Going to the reading fare at school, or even around garage sales, made me the happiest person on earth. Buying books always prompted me to want to constantly read them.
  • Barnes & Noble..

    Barnes & Noble..
    The day I discovered Barnes & Noble, was the day the reading Gods answered my prayers. I did not even know such a place existed. So big and so many books; this is how I was able to buy so many books and build my at-home library.
  • Building my home library...

    Building my home library...
    I got to a point where I bought so many books and was reading so many books, that my dad and I decided to build an at-home library.
  • Nicholas Sparks...

    Nicholas Sparks...
    He is my all-time favorite author. I first picked up a Nicholas Sparks book at a friends house, I asked to borrow it, and I could not put it down; I read it in two days. I immediately went to buy more. eventually, I bought all of his books (even until today, as they come out, I buy them) because they are my absolute favorite types of novels to read.
  • My father in law...

    My father in law...
    My father in law absolutely loves to read, he is like me. He can read a book a day (he is retired, so he has a lot of time on his hands). He is always buying me new books to add to my collection, we discuss different books all the time, and I love that we share this love for reading. He has different taste in the types of books he reads, but that has opened my mind up to so many different genres.
  • Creative Dialogue Project...

    Creative Dialogue Project...
    For one of my college courses, I had to do a creative dialogue project. I had to read four different books and take each book through the four creative dialogue phases. It was one of the most enjoyable things I have ever done. Not only did I get to read amazing books, that will help me out in my teaching career, but it also helped me write an excellent paper. I was able to relate it to something different and I was able to read four amazing books.