The Book Thief Webquest

  • Adolf Hitler's Life

    Adolf Hitler's Life
    First, Hitler's goal was to be a painter but that unfortunately didn't happen for him. But after the Beer Hall Putsch he was arrested and put into prison for five years. In those five years he wrote Mein Kampf. And after being released, being the very influential person he is, became dictator and began WW2.
  • Holocaust begins

    Holocaust begins
    Holocaust is a mass slaughter of people. Which happens in WW2 when Hitler killed nearly 6 million Jews.
  • Nazi Camps

    Nazi Camps
    There were nearly 42,000 camps during WW2 full of Jews, communist, homosexuals, socialists and much more. There were different types of camps for different types of reasons, like camps to put people to work, or camps to put people to death.
  • Communism

    Its first use was in 1793, but in 193 when Hitler became a dictator is when it was brought into play during WW2. Communism is where property was owned as a civilization not as an individual and i don't think Hitler liked that idea.
  • Reichstag Fire

    Reichstag Fire
    Hitler hated the communist because of their idea of normalizing Jewish practices.The Reichstag Fire was an act alone by Van der Lubbe and happened to just be a good luck thing for the Nazis.
  • Book burnings in Nazi Germany

    Book burnings in Nazi Germany
    German would burn books with unGerman ideas in them. They would burn books by Einstein, Jack London and many other people.
  • Nuremberg Race Laws

    Nuremberg Race Laws
    This law deprived German-Jews of their rights of citizenship, giving them the status of "Subjects" in Hitler's Reich
  • Jessie Owens

    Jessie Owens
    He was an American Track and Field Athlete that won 4 gold medals in one Olympics. Hitler disliked him for beating his German athletes record.
  • Hitler Youth and League of German Girls

    Hitler Youth and League of German Girls
    By 1936 all kids older than 6 were forced to join a Nazi Youth Group to teach them how to fight and be the future generations of Nazis. And The League of German Girls was for young girls to learn how to be good housewives or maids.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht stands for "The Night of Broken Glass" and it was a coordinated attack on Jews, where the Nazis would raid their houses, bet them, murder them, and brutalize many of them.
  • Ghettos

    Ghettos were often enclosed districts that isolated Jews from the non-Jewish population and from other Jewish communities. There were over 1,000 ghettos during this time and the largest one was the Warsaw ghetto in Poland.