Luke 1:1-56
The families of John the Baptist and Jesus -
Luke 1:57-80
The birth of John the Baptist -
Luke 2:1-20
The both of Jesus -
Luke 2:21-40
Simon and Anna -
Luke 2:41-52
Jesus at the temple as a boy -
Luke 4:1-13
Jesus is tempted three times by the devil -
Luke 4: 31-37
Jesus saves a man from a demon -
Luke 4: 38
Jesus heals Simons family and others -
Luke 5:1:11; 27-31 & Luke 6; 27-32
Jesus gathers his diceples -
Luke 5:33-6:11
The Pharisees question Jesus about fasting and the sabbath -
Luke 6:17-49
The sermon on the mount -
Luke 7:18-36
Jesus and John the babtist -
Luke 7:36-50
Jesus is annointed by a sinful woman -
Luke 8:1-15
Jesus tells the parable of the sower -
Luke 8:16-25
Jesus tells the story of the lamp on the stand