The Blind Side Timeline By Fox Fuller

  • Taylor Arrives

    Taylor Arrives
    In 1981, Taylor arrived. Sisemore played on the right side of the offensive line and Taylor usually came off the other end, but Sisemore still had to worry about the few times Taylor lined up across from him. Their teams were in the same NFL division and met twice each regular season(Lewis 14).
  • Lawrence Taylor changes the game

    Lawrence Taylor changes the game
    In 1982, after Taylor had transformed the quarterback sack into the turning point of a football game, a new official NFL statistic was born. The record books defined the sack as tackling the quarterback behind the line of scrimmage as he attempts to pass. Taylor offered his own definition: "A sack is when you run up behind somebody who's not watching, he doesn't see you, and you really put your helmet into him. (Lewis 14).
  • Joe Thiesmann Injury

    Joe Thiesmann Injury
    He watched Taylor race upfield and leave warren in the dust, then double back on the quarterback. Jacoby then heard what sounded like a gunshot--the tibia and fibula in Joe Theismann's right leg snapping beneath Taylor. He watched as Grimm and Warren removed their helmets and walked quickly toward the sidelines, like men fleeing the scene of a crime(Lewis 22).
  • Michael Oher's Childhood

    Michael Oher's Childhood
    Born Michael Jerome Williams, Jr., in Memphis, Tennessee, he was one of 12 children of Denise Oher. His mother suffered from alcoholism and crack cocaine addiction, and his father, Michael Jerome Williams, was frequently in prison. He received little attention and discipline during his childhood.
    Wikipedia contributors. “Michael Oher.” Wikipedia, 22 Oct. 2021,,and%20discipline%20during%20his%20childhood.
  • Oher goes to college

    Oher goes to college
    As a freshman offensive lineman, Oher played 11 games for the University of Mississippi, starting 10 of them at the right guard position. Oher was selected first-team Freshman All-America by The Sporting News and first-team Freshman All-SEC for his play in 2005.
    B. (2021, May 27). Michael Oher. Biography.
  • Michael Oher goes Pro

    Michael Oher goes Pro
    A free agent following the 2014 season, Oher joined the Carolina Panthers after being recruited by the team's quarterback, Cam Newton. Oher's strong performance in 2015 helped Newton win the MVP award, and served as a major cog in the team's run to a berth in Super Bowl 50. He was released from the Panthers in 2017.
    B. (2021, May 27). Michael Oher. Biography.