civil service reform
Federal law that abolished united states civil service commission. placed most employees on a system and marked the end of spoil systems. -
Indian removal
Expected to remove and relocate Indian nations that existed in the south -
manifest destiny
widely held belief is the U.S. that american settlers were destined to expand westward. -
women worked together to protest and campaign for womens voting rights from 1848 all the way to the 1920's -
political machines
allowed for the growing urban populations, infrastructure, new demands of public systems,ect. -
susan b anthony
american social reformer who played a role in the womens suffrage movement and collected anti-slavery petitions (national womens suffrage association) -
urbanization and industrilalization
urbanization was the process of people moving to cities which fuled the increase of city population greatly. The first industrial revolution was important for inventions of spinning and weaving machines operated by water power -
social gospel
movement in protestant christian that attempted to apply bibilcal teachings to problems associated with industrialization -
gilded age
greatly expanded the economy and influences in government and society -
americans descended from primarily irish and germany and the american protective system and chinese exclusion act was created -
haymarket riot
organized to protest the killing and wounding of several workers by chicago police the day of mcCormicks works. -
the dawes act
law that turned native americans into farmers and land owners by providing familes w/land -
Third party politics
Rallying cry for democrats in 1888 election and republican congress and modernized programs(railroads,tariffs,ect.) -
Andrew Carnegie
american industrialist that led expansion of american steel industry -
Jane Addams
founded the hull house, was a leader of womens suffrage, and won the firsrt nobel peace prize -
political doctrine that appeals to the interests and conceptions of the general people. in 1887 farmers were granted success when congress passed interstate and commerce act. -
klondike gold rush
rush of people toward klondike gold mining district in north western canada after gold was discovered -
the jungle was written in 1906 bagging on meat inspeaction companies writers published dirt on corperate and social injustices -
Period: to
Initiative, referendum, and recall
Initiative: process of petitioning a legislature to introduce a bill
Referendum:citizens vote on laws instead of state or national governments
Recall:people could remove a politician from office by having 2nd election -
eugene v debbs
founding member of industrial workers(american railway union) and american union leader and founder of industrial workers of the world -
encompasses wide spectrum of social movements that include anti-racism,peace,womens rights,ect. In the early 1900's the progressive party was made and joined together to create the NAACP which was an African American civil rights organization -
teddy roosevelt
created big stick foreign policy -
pure food and drug act
federal law that provided federal inspection of meat products and regulate the manufacturing of drugs and food -
upton sinclair
wrote novels arguing for social reform inlucing "The Jungle" that exposed working and sanitary conditions in meat factories -
ida b wells
leader in the civil rights movement and niagara movement (advocated full civil rights for blacks) -
dollar diplomacy
process created by william howard taft that extended countrys financial power. U.S. used dollar diplomacy in an effort to further its foreign policy through the use of economic power. -
Period: to
16th,17th,18th,and 19th amendment
16th amendment: gave congress power to tax income
17th amendment: direct election of senators by voters
18th amendment: prohibited alcoholic sales
19th amendment: extended womens rights to vote -
federal reserve act
central banking system of the USA and granted legal authority to issue federal reserve notes -
teapot dome scandal
government scandal involving U.S. navy oil reserve in wyomming that was leased to a private oil company -
clarence darrow
leader of the american civil liberties union and defended leopold and loeb in the scopes trial which was taken to court for the murder of a 14 year old boy -
clarence darrow
leader of the american civil liberties union and defended two guys in the scope trial for the murder of a 14 year old boy. -
william jennings bryan
lawyer and politician who advocated free silver and prosecuted john scopes for teaching evolution -
homestead act
made public lands in the west available to settlers without payment to be used as farms -
immigration and the american dream
25 million immigrants arrived in american between 1870 and 1900 as an effect there was fleeing of crop failure, job shortages, rising taxes, and famine. U.S was considered the land of oppurtunity.
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