
The biggest moments in the history of computing (Efe can 9d)

  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    Alan Turing is a british man that went to Cambridge university and later on he went to Princeton. Alan Turing was born in the 1912 and died later in 1954. Alan Turing had a part of creating the world's first general purpose computer. This computer was used for a lot of stuff and one of these was to crack the germans codes during the second world war. There was a special coding that Alan Turing came up with in 1936 that helped engineers create this computer.
  • NASA's monster computer

    NASA's monster computer
    In 1958 NASA came up with their monstrous computer. What they use this computer for is unknown however the complete specs of this machine has been published to the public and I can already say that it is completely crazy! For example the ''best'' alternative for the public right now is a procceses with 8 cores and the total amount of cores that NASA's computer have is over 200 000 cores.
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    Bill Gates is the official creator of Microsoft. Bill Gates was born in William Henry Gates,Washington on in 1955 to a high spirited family with a history of entrepreneurship. His father william Gates is a Seattle attorney.His mother Mary Gates was a schoolteacher in the University of Washington regent, and chairwoman of United Way International.Therefore Bill had a late of pressure on his shoulders. Bill had a lot of interest in software creation and in 1975 the famous microsoft was created
  • First gaming computer

    First gaming computer
    In the very late 80's and the mid 90's gaming started to really grow but during those days the most common platforms to play on was things like nintendo however in the late 90's computers started to be more and more popular to play games on. A lot of the brands that created the video games focused on releasing the games on the most popular platforms which at this time was computers. several non-IBM PC like Commodore 64 and Amiga gained popularity due to advanced graphics and sound capabilities.