
The Big Week: Life of Birds; final bird count 18

  • 11 Feb, first day of big week

    11 Feb, first day of big week
    Devin finds a crow, which are very common in Texas. Jeff quickly takes a picture of the american babbler before it flies away.
    Genus: Corvus Species: C. brachyrhynchos
    Kingdom: Anamilia Family: Corvidae
  • First day of Bird Week

    First day of Bird Week
    First day of big week has begun! Devin and Jeff take 2 pictures of bird species, and adds them to our collection. This is a mottled duck. So far a great start! Mottled ducks are southern nesters. Also the males wings are mostly longer than females.
    Genus: Anas Species: A. fulvigula
    Kingdom: Anamilia Family: Anatidae
  • Period: to

    Big Week Project

  • Second day of Big Week

    Second day of Big Week
    So far, we searched for birds, but no luck. But finally Devin found a sandhill crane! Its a mircale.
    Genus: Grus Species: G. canadensis
    Kingdom: Anamilia Family: Gruidae
  • birds

  • Thrid day of Big Week

    Thrid day of Big Week
    Jeff spots a Grackle, and Devin quickly takes a picture of it. Its right there in the middle, resting on the tree. Grakles are scavengers and will eat pretty much anything.
    Genus: Quiscalus Species: Q. quiscula
    Kingdom: Anamilia Family:Icteridae
  • 13 Feb, third day of big week

    13 Feb, third day of big week
    After school devin went to kid country and found a feral pigeon. These birds are mistaken for a rock dove. Also they are much larger then these birds causing them to be pigeons.
    genus: Columba speicies: C. livia
    kingdom: Animalia family: columbidae
  • Fourth day of Big Week

    Fourth day of Big Week
    It is Thursday. Devin and Jeff went to the duck pond. Finally we spot an american black duck and goose. Here is the picture of an american black duck.
    Genus: Anas Species: A. rubripes
    Kingdom: Anamilia Family: Anatidae
  • 14 Feb, fourth day of big week

    14 Feb, fourth day of big week
    Devin goes to the duck pond in Coppell, and he finds a snow goose. These geese are very agressive birds. Also these geese if thier mate dies he doesnt care hell go find a new one to have babies with. Devin went too close to the bird, so he ends up getting bitten.
    Genus: Chen Species: Chen caerulescens
    Kingdom: Anamilia Family: Anatidae
  • Fifth Day of Big Week

    Fifth Day of Big Week
    Jeff goes to the duck pond, and he hears a bird singing. He stares at the tree right above him to see a northern mockingbird. There are the ONLY mockingbird commonly found in North America.
    Genus: Mimus Species: M. polyglottos
    Kingdom: Animalia Family: Mimidae
  • Sixth day of Big Week

    Sixth day of Big Week
    Jeff goes to the petsmart in Irving. These are some zebra finches. They grow to up to 10 cm.
    Genus: Taeniopygia Species: T. guttata
    Kingdom: Anamilia Family: Estrildidae
  • Sixth Day of Big Week

    Sixth Day of Big Week
    These are some blue parakets.
    Genus: Aratinga Species: Aratinga acuticaudata
    Kingdom: Anamilia
  • Sixth Day of Big Week

    Sixth Day of Big Week
    These are diamond doves. They didn't quite fly....just sat down, and ate bird food. One of Australia's smallest pigeon. Diamond pigeon males are slightly darker than females. Also they have white spots on thier wings
    Genus: Geopelia Species: G. cuneata
    Kingdom: Anamilia Family: Columbidae
  • 17 Feb, seventh day of big week

    17 Feb, seventh day of big week
    devin goes to the duck pond and finds a bunch of mallard ducks.
    He found this in Coppell (somewhere in a pond)
    Genus: Anas Species: A. platyrhynchos
    Kingdom: Animalia
  • Eighth Day of Big Week

    Eighth Day of Big Week
    It is president day! But that does not make us satisfied. We must get more bird. This time, Jeff goes to the duck pond in Valley Ranch and takes a picture of a brown pelican (adult nonbreeding Pacific). Link for better picture of brown pelican:
  • Eighth Day of Big Week

    Eighth Day of Big Week
    Green Parakeet
  • 19 Feb, nineth day of big week

    19 Feb, nineth day of big week
    Devin was hunting when he found a coopers hawk.
    Cooper hawks tend to drowned thier prey under water cool!!!! Also cooper hawks travel in small groups.
    Genus: Accipiter Species: A. cooperii
    Kingdom: Animalia Family: Accipitridae
  • birds

  • Last day of Big Week

    Last day of Big Week
    The day has come for the end of big week. What a fascinating week! Devin found one last bird called the sea gull. They can live up to 40 years!
    Funny fact: They literally eat anything. One time, Jeff threw kimchi at the seagulls in Corpus Christi. They ate it, and started making funny gagging noises.
    Genus: Larus Species: Larus pacificus
    Kingdom: Animalia

    This was Jeff and Devin, Thanks for watching!