The Big Bang Timeline

  • Creation of the universe

    Creation of the universe
    13.8 Billion years ago, Big Bang caused the creation of the universe. According to the theory, the universe started as a very dense, very hot state and expanded rapidly and still is doing so today.
  • Seconds After Big Bang

    Seconds After Big Bang
    10^-6 seconds- universe takes shape
    3 seconds- formation of basic elements (hydrogen, helium. lithium)
  • 13 to 10 billion years ago

    13 to 10 billion years ago
    Birth of stars and galaxies
  • Birth of our Sun

    Birth of our Sun
    5 billion years before present time
  • Silpho and Wirtz

    Silpho and Wirtz
    Observed galactic redshifts in sky
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    Drafts “general theory of relativity”
  • Georges Lemaltre

    Georges Lemaltre
    Proposes an expanding model for universe
  • Edwin Hubble

    Edwin Hubble
    Demonstrates the universe is expanding
  • Karl Jansky

    Karl Jansky
    Discovered radio waves coming from Milky way
  • Holmdel Horn Antenna

    Holmdel Horn Antenna
    It is built to help NASA’s project “Echo” and “Telstar”
  • Robert Dicke

    Robert Dicke
    Theorizes that cosmic background radiation is emanating from the universe
  • Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson

    Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson
    They hear a “hum” coming from the Holmdel antenna
  • Penzias and Wilson

    Penzias and Wilson
    They conclude noise is coming from outside of the galaxy proving the Big Bang did occur
  • Hubble

    Hubble telescope launched
  • Confirmed

    Big Bang confirmed