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The beginning of the end

  • Invention of the cotton gin

    Invention of the cotton gin
    Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1794. The machine is used basically to remove the cotton seeds from the cotton fibers. This made the cotton industry sky rocket and business was picking up.
  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
    This was congress trying to settle the political rivalry caused by the request of Missouri to be admitted as a state that permits slavery. This would throw off the balance of slave-owning states and slave-free states.
    [link text](www.history.com)
  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
  • The underground railroad

    The underground railroad
    The underground railroad was a system set up by locals, mostly African, to help "runaway slaves" escape and eventually become free.
  • The Liberator is published

    The Liberator is published
    William Lloyd Garrison published The Liberator which is, or was an Abolitionist newspaper founded in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Period: to

    Nat Turner's Rebellion

    The rebellion, also known as the Southampton Insurrection, was a slave rebellion in Southampton county led by Nat Turner in 1831
  • Tariff of 1828 & Nullification Crisis

    Tariff of 1828 & Nullification Crisis
    In November 1832, the Nullification convention met. They decided that the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 were unconstitutional in South Carolina after February 1833, leading to the secession of the sate
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    This was designed to take down slavery within the land taken after the Mexican war, after the war began, President Polk 'sought' the appropriation of $2 million as a part of a bill to negotiate the terms of a treaty
    [link text](www.history.com)
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    This was an attempt to compromise and turn away the crisis between North and South, the Fugitive Slave act was amended and the slave trade in Washington, D.C. was abolished.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin is published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin is published
    Uncle Tom's Cabin is often looked at as the book that as the book that started the civil war. It was the book that exposed how bad slavery really is, Southerners didn't like that.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
  • Period: to

    Bleeding Kansas

    This is the name put to the time of violence while the Kansas territory was being settled. The Kansas-Nebraska act overturned the Missouri compromise's use of latitude for the line between free and slave states, so the decision was up to the people. Pro-slavery and Free-state settlers flooded in trying to influence the decision, causing violence. http://www.history.com/topics/bleeding-kansas
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    This act was passed to allow the citizens to choose if the new state would be a free state or a slave state.
  • Brooks-Sumner Affair

    Brooks-Sumner Affair
    The day when Representative Preston Brooks just hits Senator Charles Sumner, who was an abolitionist, with a cane to retaliate after a speech given by Sumner
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    This was a legal case when the U.S. Supreme court ruled that a slave who moved to a free state was not supposed to to be free, so Dred Scott was in the wrong place at the wrong time
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates
    These debates are looked at as the most significant statements in American political history. The claims they made were deep and meaningful and also discussed current problems and events at the time.
  • John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry

    This was an effort made by armed abolitionist John Brown to initiate an armed slave revolt by taking over an arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The election of 1860 was an event that transpired when Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln was successful in defeating three other candidates: Southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge, Democrat Stephen A. Douglas, and Constitutional Union candidate John Bell.
  • Secession of the southern states

    It all started when Lincoln was elected, South Carolina seceded first and basically state by state all of the south left the United States, now there was a split country.
  • Fort Sumter is fired upon

    Fort Sumter is fired upon
    The war began when the confederates fired on this fort, "The fort had been the source of tension between the Union and confederacy."