the begining of Australian colonisation

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    1770 the year of Captain Cook's Discovery

    The founder of our home Captain James Cook was travelling to the other side of the Earth to our fellow neighbours New Zealand and on the way back he just happened to stumble across AN ENTIRE CONTINENT! which was the home we know today, Australia or, as they called it during those times, New Holland.
  • the first Australian penal colony

    the first Australian penal colony
    When you read my title you'll be thinking what is a penal colony?Well I have a definition for you:Penal colony noun a penal colony is a settlement used to exile and separate convicts from general society.The very first penal colony began in the year 1788 when Captain James Cook and Captain Arthur Phillip directed 11 ships to the so called terrunulius land Australia.These 11 ships were called the first fleet.
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    the first fleet

    The 11 ships spent roughly six months in the cold harsh choppy sea Though it was a ruthless and dangerous journey to "New Holland" most of the 775 convicts survived but those six months were not easy for the convicts and prisoners. They did not have plumbing on the ship and all convicts had to stay in the hull where all their cells were. They had to use a loo that wasn't even there. Most of the convicts died because of unhygienic acts like that.
  • Matthew Flinders and the discovery of van diemens land

    Matthew Flinders and the discovery of van diemens land
    Matthew Flinders was the man who confirmed that Tasmania was an island by sailing through Bass Strait. Another successful and revolutionary act Matthew did was connect other parts of Australia many other navigators had not noticed. That was when we got our first full map of our home country Australia.
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    western Australia colonies begin

    It was the decision and establishment of Western Australia Perth by Captain James Sturling that got the colonies of Western Australia started. Where they started was the sandy beaches of Swan River. Free settlers swarmed in with crop seeds and farm workers looking for new land and a home to call their own.

    It was the year of 1836 that south Australia was established with Adelaide as its capital. It was similar to the beginning of the Western Australian colonies except less popular as the land was said to be dry.
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    the gold rush times

    the gold rush was a very big deal in Australian history as it did not only effect Australia but many other countries too. Immigrants were coming into Australia left,right and centre. All everyone was doing was looking for gold though many of them thought they had succeeded but they had not. People were peacefully digging up dirt when they hit the jackpot! Hallelujah! People would find 3 to 15 golden nuggets. At least they thought they were golden nuggets but were known as fools gold.
  • the Australian ballot

    the Australian ballot
    the Australian ballot was also referred to as the secret ballot as it was a way for men to vote in private. The reason I say men is because women were not allowed to vote as they were not concetered as beneficial as men in most cases. The Australian ballot began in Victoria and south Australia as it gradually moved around the country it spread to England then America and soon to many nations world wide.
  • the eureka stockade

    the eureka stockade
    the stockade was often referred to as a rebellion. It was known as a rebellion because it was all about democracy. The reason the stockade had started was because of the disagreement with field workers and the miners licences. The reason for this was that the licences made it easier to tax miners [aka the diggers]
  • the federation spech

    the federation spech
    Henry Parkes the father of federation was the agitator for the cause for a long time that is how became the father of federation. Henry was 5 time premier of New South Wales. being an experienced politician gave him the benefit of knowing how to control power. He called for all the colonies to create a national government.

    The reason this was referred to as federation was because because of the constitution made the federal system. Using the federal system was dividing power between several regional governments and a central government.