
The beggining of the Internet

  • Spam

    The classic definition of spam is unsolicited bulk messages, that is, messages sent to multiple recipients who did not ask for them.
  • microphones and webcams for communication

    microphones and webcams for communication
    A webcam is a built-in or standalone camera that captures still images and video on a computer.
    What is microphone explain?
    A microphone is a device that translates sound vibrations in the air into electronic signals or scribes them to a recording medium.
  • HTML

    The origin of HTML dates back to 1980, when the physicist Tim Berners-Lee, a worker at CERN ( (European Organization for Nuclear Research) proposed a new "hypertext" system to share documents.
  • The first web page

    The first web page went live It was dedicated to information on the World Wide Web project and was made by Tim Berners-Lee. It ran on a NeXT computer at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN. The first web page address was
  • when relevant applications appeared

    when relevant applications appeared
    A social network is a social structure composed of a set of actors and one or more ties or relationships defined between them.The main function of a social network is to connect people within the virtual world, either to build new social connections or just to maintain existing ones. The success achieved by the social networks we know, such as Facebook and WhatsApp, is undeniable.
  • the first malicious Internet-based attack occurred

    the first malicious Internet-based attack occurred
    The Morris Worm. At around 8:30 p.m. on November 2, 1988, a maliciously clever program was unleashed on the Internet from a computer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology