The Start of the Beagle's Journey
At age 22 Charles Darwin starts on the five year trip as the Captain's assistant. -
The Cape Verde Islands
The discovers made on Cape Verde Island excite Darwin, and he makes the disidion to write a book of the geology of the countries him and the members of the Beagle visit. -
The Crossing of the Equator
As the cross the Equator into the Southern Hemosphere, the crew members of the Beagle are met with heavy rain flow. -
Brazilian Rain Forests
As the crew members of the Beagle make it to Salvador, Brazil, Darwin explores the trapical rainforst fo the country for the first time. -
Fossils of Argentina
When the arrive in Argentina, Darwin finds giant fossils. Some even of animals he had never seen before. -
Tierra del Fuego
During the Beagles stay in Tierra del Fuego, the Captain of the Beagle attempts to start a Christian Mission. This fails horribly. -
Falkland Islands
On the island of Falkland Darwin finds fossils of an animal called the Brachiopods. A two shelled animal that was once one of the most abundant creatures on earth. -
Rio Negro
Darwin spends his time in Rio Negro in a fertile lowland called Pampas, and learning about the ways of the native people, known as Gauchos. -
Eruption of Mount Osorno
While on the Island of Chiloe, Darwin sees Mount Osorno erupt. This to him is a devostating event. Darwin wrote that the eruption cause the damage of 100 years of ordinary wear and tear. -
Galapagos Islands
While on the Galapagos Islands, Darwin finds many species that are only found on those islands. Like large turtles with shells in a staddle like shape, Lizards who eat seaweed, and many different birds. That when he returned to London would learn were all Finches. -
Sydney Austraila
Darwin while in Australia wonders why there are so many different types of Mammals. -
Keeling Island
Darwin while in the Keeling Islands studies the different types of Coral reefs growing around the island. -
Cape Town
While in Cape Town Darwin is amazed by the 'Table Mountain' a large mountain of Horizaonal sandstone and rises 3,500 feet. -
Bahia Pernambuco
Bahia Pernambuco was an unscheduled stop for the Beagle, as they wanted to get more Longitude measurements. -
The Return Home
They returned to Falmouth England.