The Beagle Voyage

  • The Beagle Voyage Begins

    Charles begins his 5 year journey that takes him from England to South America, Australia, Africa, South America, and then back home.
  • Cape Verde Islands

    Charles makes his first observations in the Cape Verde Islands.
  • Salvador, Brazil

    Charles sees and explores the Brazilian Rainforest for the first time.
  • Punta Alta, Argentina

    Charles is interested by the giant Armadillo fossils, among others, that he sees.
  • Falkland Islands

    Charles observes "primitive looking rocks" and observes fossils.
  • Galápagos Islands

    Charles sees that many of the species of animals are unique to the Galapagos Islands, often blending in to the unique environment of each island. He notices how the tortoises are unique to each island, but somehow related to the mainland species.
  • Sydney, Austraila

    Charles arrives in Sydney and wonders why there is a totally different set of Mammals in Australia, Marsupials.
  • Falmouth, England

    Charles ends his Beagle Voyage.