Charles Darwin born in Shrewsbury, England
The Beagle built at Woolwich dockyard on the Thames
The Beagle modified for surveying work
Darwin came up to Cambridge as a student at Christ’s College
Robert FitzRoy’s first captaincy of HMS Beagle
Darwin graduated from Cambridge
Darwin accompanied Adam Sedgwick on a geological field trip to Wales
Darwin explores the area around Botofogo, in particular the Corcovado mountains
Rio Negro; Darwin goes overland to Bahia Blanca and Buenos Aires; then from Santa Fe to Monte Video
The Beagle surveyed the island of Chiloé and the Chonos archipelago of southern Chile
Darwin mounted inland expeditions across the Andes, Peru
The Beagle set sail from South America
The Beagle dropped anchor off the Galápagos
The Beagle arrived in Australia
Journal of Researches published
Darwin undertook an exhaustive taxonomical study of barnacles (Cirripedes)
On the Origin of Species published
Autobiography published
The University of Cambridge awarded Charles Darwin an honorary doctorate
Darwin died at his home, Down House, Kent