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The Battle of Metaxas Line- ROUPEL

By PolinaC
  • April 6, 1941: The first attack

    April 6, 1941: The first attack
    The German forces launch Operation Marita, initiating the invasion of Greece. The attack begins with heavy artilery and Stukas aircraft bombardment targeting the Metaxas Line, including Roupel Fort. The Greek defenders, well-prepared and fortified, repel the initial assaults with heavy resistance.
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    The German attack

    The Battle of Roupel Fort was a significant event during the German invasion of Greece in April 1941. Here is a day-by-day breakdown of the attack on Roupel Fort.
  • April 7, 1941:Bombardment and ground attacks

    April 7, 1941:Bombardment and ground attacks
    The Germans continue their bombardment, focusing on weakening the fort's outer defences. They face fierce resistance from the Greek soldiers who utilize the fort's tunnels and bunkers to their advantage, under the commands of Major Georgios Douratsos.
  • April 8, 1941: Intensified Fighting

    April 8, 1941: Intensified Fighting
    The Germans employ flamethrowers and more concentrated artilery. Fighting becomes more intense and brutal. A combat starts within the fort's perimeter.
    The Germans recognize the difficulty of capturing Roupel fort and change their plans. Their new strategy is to bypass the fort and advance further into Greece.
  • April 9, 1941: The decision to surrender

    April 9, 1941: The decision to surrender
    Despite the heroic defence by the Greek troops, the German forces advance elsewhere in Greece. The Greek high command orders the surrender of the Metaxas Line fortifications in order to avoid the risk of encirclement.
    Major Douratsos and his men surrender Roupel Fort. The Germans acknowledge the greek heroism and allow the Greek soldiers to march out with honours.