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The Baroque Timeline

By hvictry
  • Period: 1567 to

    Claudio Monteverdi

    Trained in Renaissance style, adept at composing "modern" music. Used dissonances in his music (madrigals) for text expression, seconda prattica: Monody with dissonance. Very expressive, 9 books of madrigals. Masses, magnificats, vespers, motets. Operas (all Italian)
  • Period: to

    Francesca Caccini

    Soprano and daughter of Giulio Caccini. First woman to compose operas, sand lead roles in several early operas (Peri's opera "Euridice" at age 13). Almost employed by King of France but was bought out by Medici family. Became the highest paid musica in Italy by age 20.
  • Italy

    Jacopo Peri and Giulio Caccini invented opera in Florence, Italy
  • Period: to

    The Baroque Era

    "Baroque"- historians were calling attention to extravagant and even bizarre qualities of this music. Harmonies, forms, and textures tended to be more free. Polyphony and homophony. Era of ornamentation.
  • Period: to

    Early Baroque

  • Caccini's Publication

    Monody: Secunda prattica, basso conitnuo part
  • L'Orfeo

    Monteverdi's opera
  • Period: to

    Barbara Strozzi

    Studied under Francesco Cavalli at Academia degli Unisoni. Published 8 sets of songs-first in 1644. Each set was dedicated to a different wealthy patron. Except for one book of madrigals and one book of cantatas for solo voice and continuo, most of her works are ariettas and arias.
  • Teatro de San Cassiano

    The first public opera theater opened in Venice
  • Equal temperament

    Mistuning every step except the octave, increased range of harmonic possibilities available to composer, all half steps are equal distance apart
  • Arias

    Became the most desired and appreciated pieces. An extended piece for a solo singer that has more elaboration and coherence than recit (more song-like, had a steady beat and tempo, formally structured; could be analyzed)
  • The Coronation of Poppea

    Composed when he was 75, early operas based on mythology. This one was historical, it premiered in Venice.
  • Period: to

    Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber

    Bohemian-Austrian composer and violinist. Lived in Salzburg. One of the most important composers for the violin
  • Period: to

    "The Ecstasy of Saint Therese"

    "The Ecstasy of Saint Therese," by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Marble, In the Capella Cornaro, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome
  • Period: to

    During the Commonwealth

    Stage plays were forbidden in England because Puritans thought theater was an invention "of the devil"
  • Mid-Baroque Cantatas

    Usually secular, in Italian, composed for 1 or 2 singers with basso continuo and possibly a small string ensemble. Texts often about love.
  • "L'astratto"

    "The Distracted One" in Italian by Strozzi
  • Period: to

    Middle Baroque

  • Period: to

    Arcangelo Corelli

    Master of the Trio sonata: 2 treble lines and basso continuo, most Baroque composers wrote all types of sonatas.
  • Period: to

    Henry Purcell

    Singer, organist, composer of instrumental and vocal music. Wrote incidental music for plays
  • Issued Patents

    Charles II issued patents for 2 companies of players (theatre troupes) and performances immediately began. Masques: a type of theatrical entertainment that combined vocal and instrumental music with poetry and dance
  • Period: to

    Alessandro Scarlatti

    Father of Domenico, teacher in Naples; many students helped him create new classical style. His death marks the end of Baroque better than Bach's
  • Period: to

    Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre

    She was called "the wonder of our century" in the 17th century: French
  • Sonata No. 1

    Mid-Baroque violin sonata. Violin part uses virtuosic style similar to solo vocal singing
  • Period: to

    Antonio Vivaldi

    Red priest because of his red hair. Music director at "Pieta" (orphanage for girls in Venice). Popular during the height of his career (1720). Composed many operas, lots of sacred music, and many instrumental works. Wrote nearly 800 concertos of various types.
  • Period: to

    Georg Philip Telemann

    German composer, composed more than 125 orchestral suites. Published collection called "Tafelmusik" (1733)
  • Period: to


    Wrote over 40 operas and many Italian cantatas
  • Period: to

    Domenico Scarlatti

    Keyboard virtuoso, had progressive style. Wrote over 500 sonatas for harpsichord, operas, cantatas, and keyboard exercises
  • Period: to

    J.S. Bach

    Bach is undisputedly the greatest master of the fugue. Lost a lot of sight after failed surgery
  • "Dido And Aeneas"

  • Period: to

    Late Baroque

  • Virtuoso

    And individual who possesses extreme talents or capabilities for a particular skill
  • Handel's "Water Music"

    22 movements, performed for royal party of Thames River in London on 7/17/1717
  • "Le Quattro stagioni"

    "The Four Seasons," cycle of 4 violin concertos
  • "Suite de symphonies"

    Written for trumpets, violins, oboes, timpani, basses, bassoons, and organ. Rondeau form A B A C A
  • The English Oratorio

  • "The Art of the Fugue"

    14 fugues, 4 canons