Adolph menzel   flc3b6tenkonzert friedrichs des groc39fen in sanssouci   google art project


  • Period: 1500 to

    The Spanish Golden Age: Cultural Flourishing in the Baroque Epoch

    The Spanish Golden Age represents a pinnacle of artistic and literary achievements during the broader Baroque period.
  • 1545

    The emergence and expansion of the Counter-Reformation

    In reaction to the Protestant religious advances made by the Reformation, the Roman Catholic church after the Council of Trent declared that art should serve as a means of stimulating the public's faith in the church.
  • Period: 1545 to 1563

    The emergence and expansion of the Counter-Reformation

    In reaction to the Protestant religious advances made by the Reformation, the Roman Catholic church after the Council of Trent declared that art should serve as a means of stimulating the public's faith in the church.
  • Nobility

    European nations became involved with foreign trade and colonization, and the growth of a new middle class breathed life into an artistic culture long dependent on the whims of church and court. Life during the Baroque period was based on one's class. At the top were the nobility, living lavishly.
  • Political change

    Political change brought the consolidation of absolute monarchies. In order to display the power and grandeur of the centralized state, baroque palaces were built on a monumental scale.
  • Period: to

    The Baroque period in Western art and music

    It was a time of cultural richness and contrasts, marked by grandeur and complexity in both artistic and societal developments.
  • Period: to

    Galileo's Revolution: Scientific Advancements in the Early Baroque Era

    Galileo made significant contributions to astronomy, physics, and the scientific method. His telescopic observations, beginning around 1609, provided evidence supporting the heliocentric model of the solar system and challenged prevailing Aristotelian views, leading to a transformative period in the history of science.
  • Period: to

    The political timespan

    was marked by the rise of absolute monarchies and the consolidation of centralized power. The reign of Louis XIV of France, from, epitomizes this era with its focus on grandeur, centralized government, and the establishment of an authoritative monarchy.
  • Period: to

    The construction of the Palace of Versailles

    The palace was officially inaugurated on May 6, 1682, when Louis XIV moved the royal court and government to Versailles, making it the center of political power in France.
  • The Newtonian Revolution: Scientific Advancements in the Baroque Era

    Newton's groundbreaking work laid the foundation for classical mechanics, describing the laws of motion and universal gravitation. This scientific achievement had a profound impact on the understanding of the physical world and greatly influenced subsequent scientific inquiry during the Baroque period and beyond.
  • The death of Johann Sebastian Bach

    His music is considered to be the culmination of the Baroque style.