Election of 1832
Andrew Jackson is reelected in a landslide victory over Henry Clay of Kentucky. -
1832 Bank Recharter Bill
The Bill proposed to congress that would recreate the National Bank. Andrew Jackson was against it, with its main supporter being Nathan Biddle. -
Jackson's Veto
Andrew Jackson veto's the Bank Recharter Bill. -
Jackson Removes General Deposits
Jackson moved the deposits in the National Bank to several state-chartered banks. -
Biddle's Response
Nathan Biddle, Jackson's opponent and president of the National Bank, contracted all bank credit. -
Jackson's Pet Banks
Jackson raises 7 state banks to take over the position of the National Bank. -
Speculative Boom
The economy grew rapidly in this time which lead to the Panic of 1837. -
Specie Circular
An executive order given by Andrew Jackson which required government-given land to be paid for in silver or gold. -
Crash of 1837
The Panic of 1837 lead to an economic depression with lasted through the 1840's.