The Bank War

  • Election of 1832

    Election of 1832
    Andrew Jackson is reelected in a landslide victory over Henry Clay of Kentucky.
  • 1832 Bank Recharter Bill

    1832 Bank Recharter Bill
    The Bill proposed to congress that would recreate the National Bank. Andrew Jackson was against it, with its main supporter being Nathan Biddle.
  • Jackson's Veto

    Jackson's Veto
    Andrew Jackson veto's the Bank Recharter Bill.
  • Jackson Removes General Deposits

    Jackson Removes General Deposits
    Jackson moved the deposits in the National Bank to several state-chartered banks.
  • Biddle's Response

    Nathan Biddle, Jackson's opponent and president of the National Bank, contracted all bank credit.
  • Jackson's Pet Banks

    Jackson's Pet Banks
    Jackson raises 7 state banks to take over the position of the National Bank.
  • Speculative Boom

    Speculative Boom
    The economy grew rapidly in this time which lead to the Panic of 1837.
  • Specie Circular

    Specie Circular
    An executive order given by Andrew Jackson which required government-given land to be paid for in silver or gold.
  • Crash of 1837

    Crash of 1837
    The Panic of 1837 lead to an economic depression with lasted through the 1840's.