
The Aztecs

  • Jan 1, 1325

    The Mexicas

    The Mexicas
    The Mexicas settled in the marshy lands of Lake Texcoco, Mexico in 1325. Aztecs settled where they saw an eagle perched on a cactus with a snake in its mouth. They thought this was a sign from their god, Huitzilopochtli, their sun god.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1376 to Oct 6, 1395


    In 1376-1395 Acamapichtli was the first king to rule in the land that the Mexica settled in. Tenoch, religious ruler, died 1370 and was first ruler of the mexica people before they settled in the new land.
  • Feb 20, 1390

    Templo Mayor starting

    Templo Mayor starting
    In 1390, The construction of Templo Mayor starts. Templo Mayor was the central part of the entire city and the Mexica would build the city off that.
  • Period: Apr 12, 1395 to Oct 20, 1417

    The Third King

    1395-1417 Huitzilihuitl reigned over the Mexica. And, the alliance the Tepaneca is created.
  • Period: Apr 20, 1417 to Sep 2, 1427

    The Fourth King

    1417-1427 the fourth king Chimalpopoca but didn’t last long. He was assassinated in 1427 by the Tepaneca group.And, the Mexica claimed war.
  • Period: Apr 1, 1427 to Dec 19, 1430

    The First War

    1427-1430 war between Tepaneca and Mexica. The war was between who would be dominant of central Mexico. At the time the Tepaneca were winning.
  • Aug 6, 1431

    The Alliance

    The Alliance
    In 1431, the establishment of the triple alliance between Mexica, the Acolhua in the city Texcoco and the Tepanecs of Tlacopan. This formed the foundation of the empire and they’re now called the ‘Aztecs’
  • Jul 14, 1452

    The Flood

    The Flood
    In 1452, The Aztecs Empire was damaged by a severe flood.
  • Jan 20, 1487

    Templo Mayor

    Templo Mayor
    In 1487, The Aztecs finished the great temple. Templo Mayor. And was ready to be used to worship to their god of war and god of rain.
  • Period: Mar 4, 1519 to Dec 18, 1520

    Hernan Cortes

    1519, Mar 4-1520 Cortes arrives on the Yucatan peninsula. Cortes finds Tenochtitlan and raids.
  • Oct 15, 1520

    First Smallpox

    First Smallpox
    In 1520, a eleventh king rises to rule. Cuitlahuac. He eventually dies from the first case of smallpox. Then the final king rises. Cuauhtemoc.
  • Aug 13, 1521

    The Empire Falls

    The Empire Falls
    In 1521, Aug 13, the Aztec empire falls and is left in destruction. Cuauhtémoc surrenders to Cortes. A Spain rebuilds Mexico City which is on the Aztec ruins.
  • May 15, 1525

    The Brutal End

    The Brutal End
    In 1525, Cortés hung the last Aztec king, Cuauhtémoc.