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The Aztec Empire

  • 1345

    The Start of the Aztec Empire

    The Start of the Aztec Empire
    The Aztecs founded the city of Tenochtitlan where they saw an eagle on a cactus with a snake in its mouth. Tenochtitlan was located on Lake Texcoco in Northern Mexico.
  • 1351

    First New Fire Ceremony

    First New Fire Ceremony
    The New Fire Ceremony was an event held every 52 years to celebrate and renew the sun and to ensure that the Aztec civilization would not end. This was a ceremony that was celebrated by the whole Aztec civilization. On this day, everyone would break all of their household items to celebrate a new cycle of their calendar.
  • 1452

    Tenochtitlan Damaged by Flooding

    Tenochtitlan Damaged by Flooding
    The capital, Tenochtitlan, is damaged by flooding and plunges into a state of famine and depression. The crops all die because of all the water and buildings were destroyed and flooded. This lasted from 1452 to 1454.
  • Nov 8, 1519

    Hernan Cortez Arrives in Tenochtitlan

    Hernan Cortez Arrives in Tenochtitlan
    Hernan Cortez arrives in Tenochtitlan with his army and begins to ally himself with neighboring tribes and city-states that want to overthrow the rule of the Aztecs because they were forced to pay tribute and taxes to the Aztecs.
  • Aug 13, 1521

    The End of the Aztec Empire

    The End of the Aztec Empire
    The Aztec Empire is already in chaos and finally, the emperor Cuauhtemoc surrenders to Cortec and his army. The Aztec Empire ends and the city is destroyed.