
The Aztec

  • 1200

    The Aztecs arrived in the valley of Mexico

    The Aztecs arrived in the valley of Mexico
    The Aztecs settled in the valley of Mexico in the city of Tenochtitlan. It wasn't the best place to start a city but they built up islands so they could grow crops.
  • 1325

    The city of Tenochtitlan was founded and the first Aztec temple was built

    The city of Tenochtitlan was founded and the first Aztec temple was built
    Tenochtitlan was the Aztec empire. It was an overwhelming city built on small islands and marsh lands. The Aztecs first temple held many religious and state - related ceremonies and the walls were covered with sculptures and paintings.
  • 1428

    The triple Allience was formed

    The triple Allience was formed
    The Aztec joined forces with the Texcoco and the Tlacopan to form the triple alliance to become stronger.
  • 1519

    Tenochtitlan was rebult

    Tenochtitlan was rebult
    Tenochtitlan had gotten destroyed by the flood of Lake Texcoco so the Aztecs repaired it. It was renamed as Mexico city and declared as a Spanish Colony.
  • 1521

    The fall of the Aztec

    The fall of the Aztec
    Invaders led by Hernán Cortés the Spanish conquistador invaded the Aztec Empire and over threw them by capturing Tenochtitlan.