When the British were sending the convicts to different Colonies most of them were getting sick from all of the diseases around that area. -
Around the 1700s the death of many people made us loss much economy. The British came to find a place were there was some economy. -
Sending Convicts
The British made there way here because of where to sent their convicts. They found many places to keep the convicts but they thought later on that is wasn't right. -
Period: to
Australian colonies
Convicts were sent to a place called Nork folk
Convicts were sent to this place because of problems that happened at their older or other colony. This happened in the year 1774 before they were sent to a place called Botany bay. -
Aboriginals heard of the white skinned people
Aboriginals were once told a story about people who have white skin not brown and ever since that they were so curious and wanted to know more about them. This was told around the 1770s or 1780s. -
Convicts were sent to botany bay and then port Jackson
Convicts were next sent to botany bay and then port Jackson. again They though port Jackson was better than botany bay so they sent them there for a couple of years. -
British new that Botany bay was not the place for settlement or for convicts.
Botany bay was the right place to be for settlement but later on a couple of years later they new it wasn't the right place for settlement so they moved again to port Jackson. -
British and Aboriginals met
Why did they met?
They met because the British were trying to find a new colony or settlement for the convicts. At first the convicts were staying at a place called Port Jackson but then they moved and met. The British didn't know that they owned the land because they were sailing waiting to find land for the convicts. -
Botany bay was the first place were aboriginals saw Captain Arthur Philip
Botany bay was the first place were aboriginals first met the British and saw the white skinned people. Aboriginals were found first by the British and saw by the British in 1788. The British found their way to the aboriginals because it was the place they found after their other settlement. -
The aboriginals were standing on shore with spears and weapons
Aboriginals didn't know what was happening at this time but they new something bad was going to happen. Once the British got to shore the aboriginals straight away started to hurt the British because they thought they were going to do something to them. -
Philip did not want to hurt the aboriginals but it seemed like they needed to, to get passed them.
In 1788 the aboriginals were angry and furious that the British were on their land. British didn't want to hurt them but all they wanted to do was hurt us so they had no choice. Philip didn't know it was their land so that was why they were probably angry at us or the British. -
British found a place with fewer aboriginals on the northern side
When the British found the aboriginals land they wanted to hurt us so after they landed where more of the aboriginals were they went to the northern side were there were fewer aboriginals to hurt them. -
Aboriginals moved to find a place further away from the British
After the disaster with first contact the aboriginals left their main land and went to a place that they new has lots of food and water and went further of their land further away from the British. -
British Spread small Pox to the Aboriginals
later on in the year aboriginals caught a very bad flu called small pox that kills many people around the world and killed many of our aboriginals. Usually when you went over seas you would get a vaccination for small pox incase if you spread it all around the world. -
The aboriginals wanted to find more about the aboriginals so they captured Bennelong and his friend
British had always been curious about what aboriginals are like how they speak or why they are fully naked. Captain Arthur Philip Captured Bennlong the leader and his friend and found more about aboriginals life style. -
A Group of aboriginals were sad that bennelong and his friend was captured
In 1789 Bennelong was captured with his friend by the British to know more about aboriginals and Bennelong's and his friends family's were very sad and were worried about them both. -
Bennelong was brought to Govenor philip started to were his clothes
When bennelong was captured he was still his normal self but then one day bennelong was told to wear clothes to protect his body from any disease and to keep him clean. -
Aboriginals had a party with Philip
In 1790 the aboriginals were happy and wanted to be friendly to the British so they had a party together with all aboriginals and all British people in the area. -
Bennelong Speard Philip in war
In war later in the year bennelong and his friends speared governor Philip in his arm and made him very sore for a very long period of time.