
The Atomic Theory Timeline By Clare Smith

By smithc1
  • 400


    In 400 BC Democritus stated that atoms are indivisible no matter what you try with He was born in the year 460 BC in Abdera, Thrace. He died in the year 370 BC and they don’t know why he died. He wasn’t the only philosopher of the era, there was also Aristotle who said all of his work was wrong and that anything such as atoms couldn’t exist. This discovery changed our view of the atom because now we know that atoms can’t be split. This scientist is noted for declaring atoms invincible.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    In 1704 Isaac Newton hypothesised small, solid masses that were a mechanical universe. He was born on the 4th of January 1643 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. He died in London on the 31st of March 1727 from an illness. He developed the concept of the mechanical universe, so that other that comes later could understand that the atom drove his mechanical universe. This scientist is noted for making a mechanical universe with small, solid masses that were in motion.
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    In 1803 he said elements have atoms that are identical as well as having the same mass, and atoms from different elements, combined are compounds. He was born on the 6th of September 1766 in Eaglesfield, Cumberland, England. He died on the 27th of July 1844 in Manchester, England of a stroke. Later he found out that the Greeks had developed the idea. His discovery changed our view of atoms because we wouldn’t know that elements had atoms. He is noted for discovering elements consist of atoms.
  • Michael Faraday

    Michael Faraday
    In 1832 Michael Faraday was the person who made the two laws of electrochemistry. He was born on 22nd of September 1791 in Newington Butts, England. He died on the 25th of August 1867 in Hampton Court, London and they don’t know why he died. This discovery changed our view of the atom because then there wouldn’t be the laws of electrochemistry. This scientist is noted for making the two laws of electrochemistry.
  • J. Plucker

    J. Plucker
    In 1859 J. Plucker made the first cathode-ray tube. He was born on the 16th of July 1801 in Wuppertal, Germany. He died on the 22nd of May 1868 in Bonn, Germany his death is unknown. Later he discovered that magnets were deflected by the cathode rays. Which meant he couldn’t continue. We know from J.J Thomson’s work. This discovery changed our view of the atom because then we wouldn’t have the first cathode-ray tubes. This scientist is noted for building first cathode-ray tubes.
  • Dmitri Mendeleev

    Dmitri Mendeleev
    In 1869 Dmitri Mendeleev was the man that invented the periodic table. He was born on the 8th of February 1834 in Tobolsk, Siberia, Russia. He died on the 2nd of February 1907 in St. Petersburg, Russia. He died from the Influenza. The ancient Greeks had already proposed the atomic weight system. This discovery changed our view of the atom because then we wouldn’t know anything about the elements. This scientist is noted for creating the periodic table.
  • James Clerk Maxwell

    James Clerk Maxwell
    In 1873 James Clerk Maxwell had a theory about electromagnetism and created a connection of electromagnetic waves and light. He was born on the 13th of June 1831 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He died on the 5th of November 1879 in Cambridge, England. He died of Cancer. He translated many of Michael Faraday‚ theories into equations known as Maxwell equations. His discovery changed our view of the atom because we wouldn’t have this connection. He is noted for connecting light and electromagnetic waves.
  • G.J. Stoney

    G.J. Stoney
    In 1874 G.J. Stoney hypothesized that electricity was made up of negative particles that he decided to call electrons. He was born on the 15th of February 1826 in Oakley Park near Birr, Co. Offaly. He died on the 5th of July 1911 in Notting Hill Gate, London. This discovery changed our view of the atom because then we wouldn’t know that electricity had negative particles. This scientist is noted for discovering negative particles in electricity.
  • Sir William Crookes

    Sir William Crookes
    In 1879 Sir William Crookes experimented with cathode-ray tubes, which led him to confirm that cathode rays have a negative charge. He was born on the 17th of June 1832 in London. He died on the 4th of April 1919 in London. They don’t know why he died. The work that he did influenced J. J Thomson to spot electrons. His discovery changed our view of the atom because we wouldn’t know the rays have negative charges. This scientist is noted for discovering that cathode rays have negative charges.
  • E. Goldstein

    E. Goldstein
    In 1886 E. Goldstein made the miraculous discovery of canal rays. They have a positive charge that is equal to an electron. He was born on the 5th of September 1850 in Gliwice, Poland. He died on the 25th of December 1930 in Berlin, Germany. They don’t know why he died. This discovery changed our view of the atom because then we wouldn’t know that canal rays have a positive charge. This scientist is noted for discovering that canal rays have a positive charge.
  • Wilhelm Roentgen

    Wilhelm Roentgen
    In 1895 Wilhelm Roentgen was the man who discovered x-rays. He was born on the 27th of March 1845 in Lennep, Germany. He died on the 10th of February 1923 in Munich, Germany. They don’t know why he died. He was attempting further study on cathode rays and he got attracted to an odd glowing. Later to discover it was from an invisible ray from a tube being used. This discovery changed our view of the atom because then we wouldn’t have an X-rays. This scientist is noted for discovering X-rays.
  • Henri Becquerel

    Henri Becquerel
    In 1896 Henri Becquerel discovered radiation. He did this by studying the effects of x-rays on photographic film. He was born on the 15th of December 1852 in Paris. He died on the 25th of August 1908 in Le Croisic, Brittany, France. They don’t know why he died. His research was influenced by Wilhelm Roentgens discovery on X-rays. This discovery changed our view of the atom because then we wouldn’t know what radiation was. This scientist is noted for discovering radiation in X-rays.
  • J.J Thomson

    J.J Thomson
    In 1897 J.J Thomson found out the charge to mass ratio of electrons. He was born on the 18th of December 1856 in Cheetham Hill, England. He died on the 30th of August 1940 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England. They don’t know why he died. This discovery changed our view of the atom because then we wouldn’t have any of the mass ratios of electrons. This scientist is noted for finding out the charge mass ratio of electrons.
  • Rutherford

    In 1898 Rutherford discovered the radiation rays know as alpha, beta and gamma. He was born on the 30th of August 1871 in Brightwater, New Zealand. He died on the 19th of October 1937 in Cambridge, England due to complications of surgery. This discovery changed our view of the atom because then we wouldn’t know that those rays were in radiation. This scientist is noted for discovering the radiation rays known as alpha, beta and gamma.
  • Marie Sklodowska Curie

    Marie Sklodowska Curie
    In 1898 by studying the decay process of Uranium and Thorium she discovered radium and polonium and invented the term ‘radioactivity’. She was born on the 7th of November 1867 in Poland. She died on the 4th of July 1934 in France of Leukemia. The radioactive discovery made by Henri Becquerel dominated her research the years afterwards. Her discovery changed our view of the atom because we wouldn’t know what radium and polonium were. This scientist is noted for discovering radium and polonium.
  • Max Planck

    Max Planck
    In 1900 Max Planck put forward the idea to explain how hot, glowing object can emit light. He was born on the 23rd of April 1858 in Kiel, Germany. He died on the 4th of October 1947 in Göttingen, Germany. They don’t know why he died. This discovery changed our view of the atom because then we wouldn’t know that hot, glowing objects emitted light. This scientist is noted for having the idea to explain how hot, glowing objects emit light.
  • Frederick Soddy

    Frederick Soddy
    In 1900 he created the term ‘isotope’. It is used to explain the unintentional breakdown of radioactive elements. He was born on the 2nd of September 1877 in Eastbourne, Sussex, England. He died on the 22nd of September 1956 in Brighton, Sussex. They don’t know why he died. Rutherford and Soddy were responsible for the studies in atomic disintegration and the form of new matter. His discovery changed our view of atoms because there wouldn’t be an ‘isotope’. He is noted for the above.
  • Hantaro Nagaoka

    Hantaro Nagaoka
    In 1903 Hantaro Nagaoka made an atomic model called the Saturnian Model. It was used to describe the structure of an atom. He was born on the 15th of August 1865. He died on the 11th of December 1950. They don’t know why he died. This discovery changed our view of the atom because we wouldn’t know what they look like. This scientist is noted for making a model to describe the structure of an atom.
  • Richard Abegg

    Richard Abegg
    In 1904 Richard Abegg found that a ‘stable electron configuration’ is found in inert gases. He was born on the 1st of September 1869 in Danzig, Poland. He died on the 4th of March 1910 in Tessin, Poland. He died from a crash in his gas balloon. This discovery changed our view of the atom because we wouldn’t know that inert gases have stable electron configuration. This scientist is noted for finding that inert gases have a stable electron configuration.
  • Hans Geiger

    Hans Geiger
    In 1906 Hans Geiger was the person that invented the device to detect alpha particles. He was born on the 30th of September 1882 in Neustadt an der Haardt, Germany. He died on the 24th of September 1945 in Potsdam, Germany. They don’t know why he died. Geiger left Munich to travel to Manchester to work with Rutherford. This discovery changed our view of the atom because we wouldn’t be able to detect alpha particles. This scientist is noted for inventing a device to detect alpha particles.