He proposed the existance of an ultimate particle tha the called an " atomos." -
Antoine Lavoisier
discovered the law of Definte Proportions or the law of Constant Composition. Which means that when something is made it will be made the same the way anytime u make that substance -
Joseph Proust
Discovered the law of Definite Proportions. This states that every substance is made up of the same combinations of elemnts -
John Dalton
Discovered the Law of Multiple Proportions. this law stated that the masses of one element that combined with a fixed mass of another element in different compounds are in simple, whole number ratios -
JJ Thompson
Identified the electron and classified them as being negativly charged. also proposed the plum Pudding model of tha atom -
Robet MIllikan
He determined the unit charge of the electron -
Ernest Rutherford
Published the atomic theroy that tht atomn has a positvley charged center neucles surrounded by negative electrons -
Niels Bohr
Discovered how to calculate the electrons energy levels -
Louis De Brogile
Proposed that electrons could act as waves in certain situations -
Erwin Shrodinger
He developed the Shrodinger Equation, This can be used to predit how atoms and molocules react -
Warren Heisenburg
He discovered the Heisenburg Uncertanity Principle, This stated that a moving particle cannot be measued with high percison -
James Chadwick
He confirmed the existrance of the nuetron -
He belived in the four elements; water, windm earth, and fire. He also believed that matter could be cut in half infinite times