The Atomic Bomb

  • New ingredients found

    New ingredients found
    New ingredients are discovered helping the making of the Atomic bomb like heavy hydrogen and deuterium.
  • Nuclear weapons for military

    Nuclear weapons for military
    The people start to realize the powers of nuclear weapons for the military and the idea sparks the start of research.
  • Einstein writes to the president

    Einstein writes to the president
    Albert Einstein wrote to president FDR about the use of uranium as a new source of power and what it can do.
  • The Second World War Begins

    The Second World War Begins
    WW2 starts marking the start of one of the world's worst wars.
  • The Manhattan Project is put into place

    The Manhattan Project is put into place
    President FDR authorizes the research of Atomic weapons for military use.
  • Testing starts

    Testing starts
    The first controlled nuclear fission reaction is produced by a student of Chicago University
  • Japan Becomes Future Target

    Japan Becomes Future Target
    Japan becomes the future target for the first nuclear bomb dropping.
  • New President is in the office

    New President is in the office
    Franklin Roosevelt dies and Truman is named the 33rd president of the USA.
  • Concerns of the Nuke

    Concerns of the Nuke
    Leo Szilard writes the president about the concerns of the Nuke. He will later write him to call off the use.
  • Truman Makes the Decision

    Truman Makes the Decision
    Truman orders the use of the Atomic bombs on Japan.
  • The formal Surrender

    The formal Surrender
    Japan Formally surrenders to the USA.