The Atom Timeline

  • 400


    Aristotle- 400 B.C.
    The Atom had been introduced by Democritus. Aristotle did not believe in the Atom Theory.
    Aristotle believed that all matter was made of "The Four Elements" which are Fire, Earth, Air, and Water.
    He did not have any proof to support his theory. The Atom Theory had no proof as well.
    People believed and supported Aristotle's theory because in that time Aristotle was one of the greatest minds and had many followers.
  • 460


    Democritus: 460 B.C.
    Democritus began with the idea that everything could be broken down into smaller peices. This is how he came upon his AtomTheory. Aristotle did not believe in this theory. Democritus stated that everything could be broken down into atoms. To Democritus the atom looked like a marble.
  • Antonie Lavoisier

    Antonie Lavoisier
    Antonie Lavoisier found the two elements that make up water.
    He named one Oxygen (Greek for becoming sharp) because of the acid in it.
    He named the other Hydrogen (greek for water former).
    His finding did not change the current atom model of his time, it just added another element.
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    John Dalton developed the Atomic Theory in 1800. He still believed that the atom was the smallest unit of matter, and that it could not be bvroken down. He believed in Democritus' theory of the atom looking like a marble. John Dalton also tried to calculate the atomic weight of compounds. He also tried to come up with the atomic stuructures of atoms.
  • Henri Becquerel

    Henri Becquerel
    Henri Becquerel discovered uranium
    produced x-ray radiation. Which led him to
    discover radioactivity. All this happened as he was investigating phosphorescence.
    Henri's discovery showed that the atom was not
    undivisable or able to change shape.
  • JJ Thompson

    JJ Thompson
    JJ Thompson discovered the electron using
    the cathode-ray tube.
    in 1904 Thompson thought the atoms was a sphere of positive
    force with electrons around it. This is known as the
    plum pudding model.
    Thompson also created a mass spectrograph
    which found isotopes.
  • Max Planck

    Max Planck
    Max Planck found the Quantum Theory.
    The Quantum theory states "In 1900 Max Planck made a profound discovery in modern physics . He showed
    that light must be emitted and absorbed in
    discrete amounts if it was to correctly describe
    observed phenomena Prior to then light had
    been considered as a continuous electromagnetic
    wave, thus the discrete nature of light was completely unexpected."
  • Marie and Pierre Curie

    Marie and Pierre Curie
    Marie and Pierre Curie were a married couple. After
    their marriage they continued to work together in science.
    The couple discovered two elements:
    the first is poloium
    the sceond is radium
    their discovery did dnot chage the model of teh atom it
    just added to the known elements during that time.
  • Robert Millikan

    Robert Millikan
    Robert Millikan was responsible for finding the charge
    of a single electron.
    He did this using his oil drop expirement. He
    proved that subatomic particles do exsist.
    Millikan is also credited with proving einstein. he did this by using the Photoelectric effect.
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    Ernest Rutherford discovered the nucleus.
    His theory was the atom has a positive nucleus with negative electrons orbiting around it.
    This changed the atom greatly because it was now known that most of the atoms weight is in the nucleus.
    His model was known as planetary system model.
    Ernest rutherford was the student of JJ Thompson.
  • Niels Bhor

    Niels Bhor
    Niels Bhor proposed a new atom model that would allow the electrons to be outside the nucleus and in orbit around the nucleus.
    Bhor said the electrons were on a special orbit.
    His model is knowen as the Bhor Model.
  • Henry Mosely

    Henry Mosely
    Henry Mosely found the relatinship between wavelengths,
    x-rays produced, and the atomic number of a metal.
    His finding became knowen as Mosely's Law.
  • Ewrin Schrodinger

    Ewrin Schrodinger
    Ewrin Schrodinger came up with the equation for quantum wave
    His equation was the the second theory or explanation
    for the reason electrons move when in an atom.
    He tried to see electrons in packets that moved in waves.
  • Werner Heisenberg

    Werner Heisenberg
    Werner Heisenberg came up with the uncertainty priciple. the uncertainty principle says that you cant measure the current position of a particle and also measure the position it will be in after it moves.
  • James Chadwick

    James Chadwick
    James Chadwick proved the exsistence of neutrons.
    This affected the atom model greatly because another
    subatomic particle was found in the atom.
    James Chadwick changed the way the atom was viewed.