cosc system

  • isaac newton

    isaac newton
    An English Physicist, formulated the Laws of gravity and mechanics, which he applied to our planetary sysems in the universe.
  • Edmond Halley

    Edmond Halley
    an english astronomer, used Newtons laws to predict that a comet last seen in 1682 would reappear 76 years later- and it did, in 1758. This effectively showed that objects in space are governed by the laws of mechanics
  • William Herschel

    William Herschel
    a German-born British astronomer, propsed that some nebulae are groups or systems of stars, and that these stars, these star sysems are very distant and enormus
  • gustav kirchhoff

    gustav kirchhoff
    a German physicist, investigated the sloar spectrum
  • albert einstein

    albert einstein
    proposed the special theory of relativity, concerned with the propagation of elctric and magnetic phenomena in space and time
  • Einstein

    einstein found dealing of gravitity, space and time
  • wilhelm de sitter

    wilhelm de sitter
    published series of papers describing astronmical consequences
  • Harlow Shapley

    Harlow Shapley
    prposed the mikly way galaxy
  • Arthur Eddington

    british astronomer led an expedition to observe a solor eclipse
  • Edwin Hubble

    Edwin Hubble
    american astronomer, found that some-so-called nebulae contain stars called cepheid variables
  • Georges Lemaitre

    Georges Lemaitre
    formulated the modern Big Bang Theory
  • edwin hubber

    edwin hubber
    using the doppler effect
  • Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias

    Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias
    observe background microwave radiation in space
  • Stephen Hawking

    suggest that after big bang mini black holes werte formed with enormous masses