Founding of The Arts
Date: December 22, 1812
Founder: Earley Leroy Smith
Co-Founder: Carolin Kay Smith
Discovery: This continent was discovered by Earley and Carolin Smith on December 22, 1812. They were sick of war and wanted to move to another country. They looked and bought the largest boat they could buy and set sail. They were heading down the coast of North America, when they decided to go to Asia to get away. They started heading up the Pacific Ocean. They hit land on December 22, 1812. There was no one in si -
Civil War
Date: October 25, 1886
What: Divided into seven countries
Why: Civil War
Description: On October 25, 1886 The Arts divided into seven different countries. This was because The Arts broke into a civil war. They broke into a Civil War because half of the continent wanted a democracy and the other half wanted a monarchy. So they decided that they would do a democracy. This was after the one year Civil War that killed nearly 12,000 soldiers. -
Earth Quake!
Date: March 12, 1888
What: Earth Quake in Ballet
Description: On March 12, 1888, in the country of Ballet, there was an earth quake. It was only a 3.2, but many got hurt and injured. There were 31 deaths in an apartment building because it wasn’t built to the Ballet apartment standards. This apartment complex is facing many law suits. The only other death was of an old lady who’s power went out when she was her CPAP.Not many houses were effected and the one’s that were, were not majorly damaged. -
First War
Date: July 18, 1888- June 29, 1892
What: First WarWith
Who: Australia
Description: On July 18,1988 Ballet had there first war in their history. This war was with Australia. The reason for this war was, Australia wanted Ballet to become a part of their country. Ballet refused this request. Australia became enraged and decided to force The Arts to become a part of their country. This war went on for four years. Australia decided to make peace with Ballet. A peace treaty was signed by both sides. -
Second War
Date: April, 1928
What: Second War/ with Spain
Description: In April, 1928 Ballet went to war with Spain. This was over drilling for oil. Ballet wouldn’t let Spain take over a drilling sights in the Pacific Ocean. Ballet had already let Spain take three. Spain wanted more to drill for so they decided to take more platforms by force. Ballet decided to let Spain take one of their small drilling sights in hope that the war would be over. It was, Ballet and Spain both signed a peace treaty. -
Date: November 24, 2011
What: Started Celebrating Thanksgiving
Description: On November 24, 2011, Ballet started celebrating Thanksgiving. This was because The Arts was founded by and based on America. This holiday was celebrated by almost every person in the counrty. This holiday also was celebrated by all of the other countrties on the continent. -
Date: July 27, 2011
What: Is hosting the Olymics
Description: On July 27, 2012 Ballet will be hosting the World Olympics. It's the first year they're doing this. It will go on in the capitol city of Classica. In the summer olymipics there will be gymnastics, rowing, kyaking, basketball, vollyball, cycling, wrestling, boxing, and so much more!