
The Beginnings of the Arab Spring

  • A Spark is Ignited (http://www.aljazeera.com/mritems/Images/2011/12/17/20111217132957443734_20.jpg)

    A Spark is Ignited (http://www.aljazeera.com/mritems/Images/2011/12/17/20111217132957443734_20.jpg)
    Mohammed Bouazizi of Tunisia lights himself on fire on the steps of a local municipal office in protest to being detained and humiliated by authorities for operating a fruit and vegetable stand without a permit. This starts a movement of public demonstrations and protests throughout the Middle East.
  • Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia resigns (http://aljazeera.com/mritems/Images/2013/12/30/20131230193654201734_9.jpg)

    Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia resigns (http://aljazeera.com/mritems/Images/2013/12/30/20131230193654201734_9.jpg)
    After 23 years in power one of the worlds most repressive leaders is forced to resign and flee to Saudi Arabia after mass protests on the streets. The tremors of this event are felt across the entire Middle East. Mohamed Ghannouchi takes over as interim President vowing to respect the constitution and restore calmness to the nation.
  • Egypt"s A Day of Revolt

    Egypt"s A Day of Revolt
    Thousands gather is Cairo to protest rising food costs, high unemployment, and political corruption. Three killed in the largest demonstratons in recent memory. Inspired by the events in Tunisia citizens demand President Hosni Mubarak's repressive regime step down. Government responds by blocking twitter and other social media outlets.
  • Organized Protests move to Yemen (http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2011/02/04/world/04yemen-cnd-span1/04yemen-cnd-span1-articleLarge.jpg)

    Organized Protests move to Yemen (http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2011/02/04/world/04yemen-cnd-span1/04yemen-cnd-span1-articleLarge.jpg)
    Seizing the momentum Thousands gather in Yemen, one of the Middle Easts most impoverished nations, to call for a change in government. Mostly peaceful protestors wear pink as a unifying symbol to mark the stage of protest they are in taking to the streets.
  • Mubarak Resigns

    Mubarak Resigns
    After weeks of refusing to step down President Mubarak caves in to public pressure handing power to the military. Thousands gather in the same streets they protested in just days prior to celebrate. The military fires the cabinet, suspends Parliament and states it will respect the will of the people and begin a transition to democracy.
  • Bahrain's Day of Rage

    Bahrain's Day of Rage
    Inspired by recent events in the Mddle East thousands of activist take to the streets. Protestors demands include political reforms, right of political participation, respect for human rights, stopping of systematic discrimination against Shias. The protests left dozens hurt and one dead.
  • Battle for Libya begins

    Battle for Libya begins
    Protests begin in Benghazi over the jailing of an outspoken government critic. The first display of defiance in years in a nation that does not allow dissent. Many more protests are scheduled for the days ahead including the "Day of Anger."
  • Rebels take Benghazi

    Rebels take Benghazi
    After several days of fighting anti Gaddafi soldiers seize control of the nations second largest city. The battles resluted in several hundred deaths. Cities to the east including al-Baida and Tobruk are already under the rebels control.
  • Syrian Activist awaken begin Protests

    Syrian Activist awaken begin Protests
    In a rare show of dissent activist march in Demascus to protest the nations hard line regime.Athorites did not initially use force to squash the uprisings only detaining six indivuals. Led by social media many other protests were planned to take down the dictator al-Assad.
  • Gaddafi Captured

    Gaddafi Captured
    Gaddafi captured and killed in the city of Sirte bringin an end to the Libyan civil war. After a month long battle in his home city of
    Sirte rebels were finally able to get to the heavily armed embattled leader.