The Spinning Jenny
The spinning jenny was invented by James Hargreaves in England in 1764. This device made it easier to make yarn, and just a worker could make 8 or more spools at once. So where this took place was in England. -
The Cotton Gin
The cotton gin was invented in October 28, 1793, but it was later granted in 1794 by Eli Whitney. This mostly took place in the South and it was also popular in the South. It impacted the society, becuase then the slaves worked faster, and more slaves were being bought. -
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
The Trans-Atlantic slave trade happened in the United States around the 1800's. The trade was for the American's to transport them from Africa to the U.S and use them as slaves. They captured about 10 million slaves in Africa, and that impacted the government, becuase later they banned it, but the Americans didn't listen and did black marketing. This only happened in the states that were pro slavery. -
The Middle Passage
The Middle Passage wqas more of a "Triangular Trade" in which three continents were getting Africans and shipping to the continents, one of the continents was our. This was an impact since this was the sequel of the Atlantic Slave Trade, and it kept on going. -
Temperance Movement
In the beginnings of the 1800's there was a movement of an organiztion called the temperance movement, which was an organized effort to stop men drinking liquor. Everything of this was happening in Massachusetts, New York, and more cities in the East.The impact was big, because they even reformed it. Women that had husbands were mostly involved. -
MIssouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was like a law passed in the 1820, to announce the factions of the pro and anti slavery sates, creating a line in the middle of the U.S saying that the North was anti slavery and the South was pro slavery. The only exception was Missouri which crossed the line, but counted as a South state. It impacted becasue now there was a boundary with the states -
The Electtric Telegraph
The electric was also an invention during the antebellum. It was created by Samuel Morse around the 1830's-1840's and later patented in 1837. This took place around Pennsylvania and it was used more in the North. -
Lowell Mill Girls
The Lowell Mill Girls were female workers that worked for "textile coporations" Massachusetts. All of this obviously took in Lowell, Massachusetts. There is no who in Lowell, it's more of a where is Lowell, and of course Lowell is in Massachusetts. Later this female workers went on a strike, since they were being payed a little bit. -
The Irish Immigration
During the middle of the 19th century, many Irish were coming to the U.S due to the famine that there was in Ireland. All of the Irish coming made a very big imapct since millions of Irish were coming to the United States. Now because of the Irish coming, we have quite a few actors that are Irish like James Bond and other actors. :) -
Seneca Falls Convention
The Seneca Falls Convention was the first women rights convention. It was a meeting of people who suppotrted women rights. It all happened for two days, July 19-20, 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York. The impact on society was the big convention and how many people attended. Mostly the people that attended it was women, but there was some men. The person that led it was Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a women right's activist. -
The Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 obviously took place in 1850. The reason for this compromise was trying to attempt smoothing out the confrontation between the slave states of the South and the free states in the North. This took place in America. -
The Cult of Domesticity
The cult of domesticity was a view of the women in the 1800's. This impacted almost all of the married women. What women thought and wanted was that a women should be more religious than men, should be pure in heart, mind, and body, they should submit only to their husbands, and should always stay at home, becuase that is what they think. This happened in the U.S -
The First Great Migration
From 1915-1950 African Americans were migrating from the South to the Midwest, Northeast, and the West due to the racism in the South, and also they were looking for jobs all of this happening in the U.S. The impact was big in the urban life since Chicago, New York and other cities saw the black population expand.