
The Anglo-Saxons

By Santy97
  • 449

    Angles and Saxons arrive in south east Britain.

    Angles and Saxons arrive in south east Britain.
    The Anglo-Saxons were comprised of people from Germanic tribes who migrated to Great Britain from Continental Europe; they inhabited the island from 450-1066.
  • 500


    Britain fell from Roman rule and established an independent culture and society.
  • 600


    Christianity was re-established and Britain began to flourish as a center for learning and cultural production.
  • 700


    Smaller territories began coalescing into kingdoms, with the kingdom of Mercia one of the most dominant.
  • 900

    Alfred the Great

    Alfred the Great
    Rise of the Wessex kingdom, especially with King Alfred the Great, who oversaw an increasing unity of the English people and improved the kingdom's legal system and military structure and his people's quality of life.
  • 1000


    The West Saxon kings extended their power first over Mercia, then over the southern Danelaw, and finally over Northumbria, thereby imposing a semblance of political unity.
  • 1066

    Norman Conquest

    Norman Conquest
    This society continued to develop and thrive until the Norman Conquest of 1066. King Alfred was able to resist the first invation.
    The Anglo-Saxon culture was centered around three classes of men: the working man, the churchman and the warrior.