The Anglo-Saxon history

  • 878 BCE


    878:King Alfred defeat the vikings and establish a frontier dividing England in two. The north and east came under Danish control,and Alfred controlled west Mercia,Kent and Wessex
  • 870 BCE


    Vikings settled in England and then moved west and invaded Wessex
  • 793 BCE

    Period of raids

    ➛Vikings raid the monastery on Lindisfarne,this marked the beginning of a period of raids on the British isles.
  • 700 BCE


    Anglo-Saxon literature included sermons,bible translations,legal work,chronicles,riddles and epic poetry. Here emerged the first epic hero,Beowulf and also The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle,a collection of writing important for early English history
  • 579 BCE


    St Augustine was sent to England by Pope Gregory,the head of the Roman christian church,to convert the saxons to Christianity
  • 450 BCE

    The Beggining

    The beggining of Anglo-Saxon Britain
  • 410 BCE

    The letter

    A letter from the Emperor Honorius told the towns of Britain organized their own defences
  • 400 BCE

    Roman Legions

    400:Roman legions began to withdraw from Britain at the end of the fourth century to protect other areas of the empire from invading forces
  • 1066

    They left an inheritance

    1066:➛King Edward died in January 1066
    ➛He was succeeded by the last Anglo-Saxon king,Harold. The duke of Normandy,William, said that king Edward had promised him the throne and went to claim it,defeating the king Harold II
    ➛The anglo-norman is the language spoken since then,influencing old english and changing it to middle english