Period: 950 to 1150
High Point of the Toltec empire
Period: 1001 to 1100
(11th Century) Beginning of population growth in Pacific islands
Period: 1101 to 1200
(12th Century)Beginning of two-way voyages between Hawai'i and Tahiti and the Marquesas islands
Collapse of the Toltec empire
Period: 1201 to 1300
(13th Century)Emergence of distinct social classes and chiefly states
Inca settlement near Cuzco
Period: 1301 to 1400
(14th Century)Construction of fishponds in Hawai'i
Foundation of Tenochtitlan by the Mexica
Emergence of the five Iroquois nations
Period: 1428 to 1440
Reign of the Aztec ruler Itzcóatl
Period: 1438 to 1471
Reign of the Inca ruler Pachacuti
Period: 1440 to 1469
Reign of the Aztec ruler Motecuzoma I
Period: 1502 to 1520
Reign of the Aztec ruler Motecuzoma II
Arrival of Spanish conquerors in Mexico