The US attempts to purchase Cuba
Diplomats recommended president Franklin to buy Cuba. -
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Cuba's first war for Independence
The Spanish said that they would like to see Cuba sunk in rather than having President Franklin buying Cuba. Cuban's rebelled against Spain and did not success. -
Explosion of the USS Maine
The ships blow up in harbor Havana. Cuba was ordered to bring Americans to safety. More than 260 men were killed after a while the news were out and a reward was sent to find the responsible ones of this accident. Americans sent out a newspaper saying that the Spanish were responsible for this. -
U.S Declares War on Spain
There was no holding back the forces wanted a war. it made no difference even though the Spanish agreed to not lead a war. After a week debating this war, Congress agreed on war. -
Jose Marti led Cuba's Second hour for independence
Launched a revolution in the year (1895) Put resistance against Spain. And others help achieve Cuba libre. -
Yellow Press begun to shape American Public
Direct opinion with respect to Cuba's civil war, the people behind this newspaper industry exaggerated, America had sympathy for the rebels. -
Valeriano Weyler was sent to Cuba by Spain
He tried to stop the rebellion in Cuba. The central and western Cuba's were sent to barbed wired concentration camps. 3,000 were sent to the camps and 1000 died. -
Publication of the De Lome Letter
President William McKinley took office, Cuban people embarrassed the President. Tried to avoid a war with Spain because it was not necessary and solve crisis.