American revoulution

The American Revolution Timeline Jack Stebbins

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    The French And Indian War

    The French and Indian War was the last colonial war, which officially lasted about 7 years, but actually lasted 9 years. It was a war in North America between Britain and France. The war was mainly over land disagreements in North America. At the start of the war the French were dominating the British, but slowly but surely the British started winning battles.
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    The French And Indian War (Continued)

    The French were being crushed by the British, so they approached them with a peace treaty. The British accepted the peace treaty and the war ended. By the end of the war the British were in great debt, and needed a way to generate some revenue. This event is important to history, because it created the events that made the American Revolution. Without this war the Britishwouldn't ofbeenindebt,and wouldn't of made the sugar act,and the revoulution wouldn't of started.
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    The Sugar Act Continued

    People started to smuggle sugar in and when the British found out they started arresting these people. This event is important, because it was on of the major events that fueled the Revolution. This is one of the many events that showed the colonists that the British were wrong.
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    The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act was a law passed to try to create revenue for Britain. It was a big tax put on the colonies making it where all sugar had huge taxes, and you had to get your sugar from Britain. This was good for Britain,but it created huge problems for the colonies. When this was put into place soon after the colonists started smuggling in sugar from the west indies. Here the sugar was much cheaper and better.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    On the night of March 5th, 1770 almost 50 colonists attacked the British with snowballs and stones. The Captain there named Captiain Preston called for back up and when backup got their shots were fired killing 5 civilians and also injuring 6 other civilians. Before this incident happened the colonists already hated the British for being there, but this just sparked more controversy. After the incident happened the colonists wanted these British soldiers be tried for murder.
  • The Boston Massacre (Continued)

    The Boston Massacre (Continued)
    The trial lasted 5 days, and in the end the soldiers were almost all not convicted. All except two soldiers are not convicted. The two soldiers convicted were convicted of man slaughter, and had their right thumbs cut off. This event was important, because it outraged the colonists. The British had killed colonists, and didn't even get convicted. This event motivated the colonists to join the fight against the British.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    It lead to the Boston Tea party,which was where tons of tea was dumped into the ocean. This only made it worse for the British. And gave the colonists lots of leverage,because they dumped tons of tea into the water because of this Tea Act.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    The Tea Act made it where colonists could only get Tea from the East India Tea Company.It created huge revenue for this company which was run by the British. The colonists were outraged by this,and refused to use it. Most of the time the colonists would leave the tea to rot on the docks. The tea here was expensive and bad. This was the event that led to the Boston Tea Party.This is extremely important to history,because it sparked lots of anger towards the British,and it led to the Boston Tea...
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    On this day in 1773 tons of colonists dressed up as Native Americans, and attacks the Boston Harbor. They attack tea ships and threw almost 342 boxes of tea into the water. This was revolutinary, because it greatly damaged the British. The colonists threw all of the British's cargo into the water, after the British had travled all the way across the Atlantic Ocean. This was attack happened because of the recently passed Tea Act. This was a direct attack on the British and itshowedpeopletofight.
  • The Boston Port Act

    The Boston Port Act
    This was one of the awful "Intolerable Act". This act directly closed the Boston Port. Making it where nothing could be exported out and nothing could be imported in. It greatly hurt the economy of the colonies. When this was put into place British ships patroled the harbor to make sure nothing left. This was important,because it hurt the colonists greatly economicly. It enraged them, and just outright made the colonists hate the British even more that they already did.
  • The Quartering Act Of 1774

    The Quartering Act Of 1774
    This act was a change to the original act of 1765. The orignial act made it where you had to let British soldiers stay in your home, but this revision made it to where you had to let them stay in your barn/shed. This was another Intolerabe Act, which people hated. This was important, because it made some people lessen their hate to the British. The British lessened the act, and it took a lot of heat off the British.
  • Patrick's Henry "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death" Speech

    Patrick's Henry "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death" Speech
    This showed people that it was ok to fight for your rights, and that it was ok to say it publicly.
  • Patrick Henry's "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death" Speech

    Patrick Henry's "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death" Speech
    Patrick Henry was another person who really critisized the British. In March 1775, in St. John's Churh in Richmond Patrick Henry made his famous speech "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death". In this speech Patrick Henry demanded that the colonies be free from Britian. He demanded that they have liberty. Patrick Henry completely took the side of the Patriots and said to publicly. This event was important because this man was one of the first people to publicly say he was against the British.
  • The Battles Of Lexington and Concord

    The Battles Of Lexington and Concord
    This was the first battle in the Revolutionary War. These battles took place near Boston. The rebels were starting to make a ammo drop in the town of Concord. When the British found out this they decided to attack the next day. The rebels found out that the British were gonna attack, and they sent riders out to warn Concord. When the British attacked the Patriots were ready, but out matched. The British attacked at the Patriots fell back to get more men. The British ended up splitting up and...
  • The Battles Of Lexington And Concord

    The Battles Of Lexington And Concord
    The British split up, and the Patriots gained more men and attacked. The British had to retreat back to Boston, but the Patriots followed. Along the journey back up came for the British. but the Patriots still out numbered them. In the end the British barely made it back to Boston. Over that day several more battles happened in Boston, and in the end the Patriots won. This is important,because this was the first battle in the Revolutionary war and this gave the Patriots the upper hand.
  • Battle Of Bunker Hill

    Battle Of Bunker Hill
    This event was important, because it was one of the first major victories for the British. This battle was a crushing defeat for the Patriots, because the majority of the battle the Patriots were winning, but in the end the British won.
  • Battle Of Bunker Hill

    Battle Of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill was one of the first victories for the British. The Battle Of Bunker Hill happened in Massachussets, and was a brutal battle. The Patriots ended up losing, but they did kill a number of British soldiers. Although in the end the British won. The British led by William Howe went into the battle very confident, and were not prepared with what the Patriots had. The majority of the battle the Patriots were winning, but lost due to lots of lives lost, and loss of ammo.
  • George Washington Is Named Commander In Chief

    George Washington Is Named Commander In Chief
    G.W was named Commander In Chief of the Continental Army. Congress chose him, because they believed that he was best fit to united the colonies. Other canidites included John Hancock. This was important, because this gave the colonies a leader to lead them into war with the British. It showed that the colonies were ready for war.
  • Thomas Paine Writes Common Sense

    Thomas Paine Writes Common Sense
    Common Sense was a small pamphlet written by Thomas Paine back in 1776. It was one of the first pieces to really critisize the British. It questioned the authority of the British, and it really did it well. It showed that the British were wrong, and was open about it. This document showed people that the British were wrong, and it really boosted the colonists to want to be free of the British. This document pinpointed the exact places where the British were wrong.
  • Thomas Paine Writes Common Sense

    Thomas Paine Writes Common Sense
    This was important, because it was another huge document to say that the British were wrong. This was also extremely important, because Thomas Paine was a very powerful man. He was looked at like a leader and when a leader says that the British are wrong it brings a lot of people on that side.
  • Declaration of Independence is written and signed by delegates in the Continental Congress

    Declaration of Independence is written and signed by delegates in the Continental Congress
    This was the document that listed the reason why the colonies wanted to break free of the British. It was official and was signed by almost 50 delgates. This was extremely important, because it was an official document listing why the British were wrong, and demanding that the colonies be seperate from Britain.
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    The Battle Of Ticonderoga

    This was a very minor battle,and really wasn't a battle at all. The Patriots occupied a fort with about 8,000 men. The British deperatley wanted to take the fort, so they attacked it. The Patriots ended up retreating with very few causualties. The British then took over the fort and made it their own. This is important to history,because the Patriots lost a major fort. The British were able to take control of this fort,and this was a very strong fort,that helped the Brithsh greatly.
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    The Battle Of Saratoga (Continued)

    The Second Battle took place in October, this time the British were determined to get through the surrounding Patriot forces. When the British attacked the Patriots were completely ready and heavily outmatched the British. The Patriots demolished the British, and brought the Battle of Saratoga to an end. The reason that this was important,because this was a huge victory for the Patriots.Twotimes,thePatriotscompletelydemolishedthe British,andkilledtonsoftheir men,andtheytookdownagoodBritishgenral
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    The Battle Of Saratoga

    This Battle was a major turning point in the war. There were two main battles battled on seperate days. The first battle of September 19th completely suprised the British. The British were marching south, and the Patriots stopped them in Saratoga. The Patriots set up tons of shapshooters to surpise the British, and while they were shooting, they sent in another attack force to take out the British. The Patriots won this battle. The Second Battle...............................
  • Alliance is Made between the Rebels and the French

    Alliance is Made between the Rebels and the French
    It gave the Patriots over twice as many men,and way more firepower. Now the Patriots were almost or stronger than the British. It gave them a huge upper hand in the war.
  • Alliance is Made between the Rebels and the French

    Alliance is Made between the Rebels and the French
    The French decided to ally with the Patriots. There were many reasons that the French did this,but the biggest was,because the British had destroyed them in the Seven Years War. This made Britain a huge enemy to France,and they wanted a way to get back at them. And to ally with the Patriots was a perfect way to do so. So,the French sent a team to try to ally with the Patriots, and they accepted.This is important,because it made the Patriots way stronger.It gave them..........
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    The Battle Of Yorktown (Continued

    The Patriots were able to capture one of the British's best generals. It gave them huge leverage against the British. And led to them winning the war.
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    The Battle Of York Town

    This was a huge battle in the Revolutionary War. The Patriots led by Washington had almost 17,000 troops attacked the only 9,000 trooped British led by Cornwallis. The battle was fiecre, but the Patriots ended up crushing the British. And at the end of the battle the Patriots were able to capture the British general Cornwallis. This was crushing for the British,because he was one of their best generals. This was important to history,because it really gave the Patriots the upper hand. They were..
  • General Cornwallis surrenders to Washington at Yorktown

    General Cornwallis surrenders to Washington at Yorktown
    This was the the last battle in the American Revoulution. General Cornwallis surrendered himself,and 8,000 British troops to Washington at Yorktown. Cornwallis tried to lead his troops to the Virginia Coast where he could gain communication with Britain,but the Patriots stopped him. Washington had Marquis de Lafayette hold up the British with his 5,000 troops,so that backup with 2,500 American and 4,000 French troops could come and help. In theend thePatriotsstoppedCornwallis,andmadehimsurrender
  • Cornwallis Surrenders To Washington at Yorktown.

    Cornwallis Surrenders To Washington at Yorktown.
    This is important to history,because it was the last battle of the Revolutionary War,the British just had to surrender over 8,000 troops. This was a crushing blow to the Britsh,because they had just lost tons of men and their best general. This was the tipping point of the war,and it was the last battle that made the Patriots end up winning the war. Later on the Treaty Of Paris was signed,and the Patriots were free of the British.
  • Peace Treaty Signed ending the American Revolution recognizing US independence.

    Peace Treaty Signed ending the American Revolution recognizing US independence.
    The Treaty Of Paris was the peace treaty that ended the Revolutionary War. This treaty was signed in Paris by representatives of King George III. It declared independence from Britain for the colonies. This was an extremely important event, because it declared independence. The Patriots had defeated the British and made them free of the British.