
The American Revolution (Mrs. Brown)

  • Period: to

    Increasing tension leading to war.

    British government are placing the new colonies under a lot of pressure from taxes. These various acts and taxes eventually push the colonists over the edge, and leads to the American Revolution.
  • End of the French and Indian War.

    End of the French and Indian War.
    This war had left Britian in a lot of debt. Beacuse of this, Britian is now demanding more taxes and revenue from the colonies. These taxes are one of the biggest causes of the American Revolution.
  • Sugar Act.

    Sugar Act.
    The British pass this bill in order to tax the colonies for spices that are imported from the west.
  • Quartering Act.

    Quartering Act.
    This act was passed in 1764, and it allowed British soldiers to legally take food and lodging from the colonists. This act was so controversial that New York and Massachusetts both refused to follow the Act.
  • The Boston Massacre.

    The Boston Massacre.
    Many colonists, after being put under stress from the British taxes and brutality from the Bristish Soldiers, grew into a mob and walked the streets of Boston. The colonists came face to face with the British Soldiers and they fired upon the colonists.
  • The Boston tea party.

    The Boston tea party.
    Because of the increased taxes put on tea and other goods, a group of colonists banded together and threw boxes of tea into the Boston port.
  • The Intolerable Act.

    The Intolerable Act.
    In response to the Boston tea party, the British passed this act. The act placed restrictions on colonists such as; outlawing town meetings and closing down Boston Harbour. This act also heavily taxed the colonists until the cost of the tea was paid off.
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    American Revolution

  • First Continential Congress

    Liberty's Kids
    This meeting was the first meeting where all the representatives of the various colonies joined together. This decided that if their attempts to remove the Intolerable acts were unsuccsesfull, then they would conven again for a second meeting.
  • Second Continential Congress

    After the failed attempt to remove the heavy taxes, this meeting decided that war was the next option, the meeting advised all the colonies to start and train a militia to protect from British Soldiers.
  • Army of the Continential Congress

    Army of the Continential Congress
    The Second continental Congress met and discussed making a continental army to protect the colonies and coordinate military efforts. It was approved and the new army was made of 27,000 soldiers. George Washington was named Commander-in-chief of the army.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    When the colonists had learned of British plans to secure Charleston. The colonists secured bunker hill and tried to hold it. However, the colonists
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    These battles at Lexington and Concord were the first battles between the Americans and the British.
  • Common Sense published

    This document was written in oposition to the Monarchy's rule in the colonies. This document was the first of its kind as it was in favour of Independance in the colonies.
  • Declaration of Independance

    This document was written by Thomas Jefferson. It announce that the thirteen American colonies no longer considered themselves part of the British empire.
  • Colonel Francis Marion

    Colonel Francis Marion
    After the fall of Charlestown, Colonel Francis Marion organzies a small contingent of 20 and 70 men, even though he was mostly crippled from a healing ankle.
  • Yorktown

    In the battle of Yorktown, the Americans and the French both teamed up to take out the British. The Americans and the French encircled the British troops at yorktown and began the artillery striking. After 22 days, the British finally surrendered Yorktown.