The capture of the hessians at trenton december 26 1776 landscape

The American Revolution and the Enlightenment

  • Thesis

    The enlightenment influenced the American Revolution to have their equality, independence, freedom of speech, and creating a well government; resulting in America having their own nation, and improving their government; similar to how the government is today.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    “John Locke was one of the most important and influential philosophers in the history of the world. He devoted a lot of his time to writing about philosophy and political thought. The founding fathers of the American Revolution drew heavily on his ideals.” (Ukessays)
    Locke and his ideas encouraged America to gain their independence against agents of the British. They wanted to gain their freedom again, so they took Locke’s enlightenment thoughts, and used them.
  • England controlling America

    England controlling America
    “American colonies were first founded by people trying to escape religious persecution in England. As the British government became more involved in the affairs of colonies, people began to worry that they would once again lose their freedoms.” (Ducksters)
    The British government tried to take control of the American colonies. America feared that their freedom might get taken away from them to the British. The British achieved their goal, and took control of the colonies.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1
    “Jean-Jacques Rousseau was one of the most influential thinkers during the time period of the Enlightenment. In 1762 Rousseau published The Social Contract, It became one of the most influential works of abstract political thought. This book is about how a government could exist in a way that it protects society and citizens. Rousseau quoted in his book “Man was/is born free; and everywhere he is in chains.” This philosopher was a great influence to America."
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau 2

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau 2
    "These ideas were essential for the American Revolution” (Ducksters)
    Americans used Rousseau’s book to gain their freedom from the British. Also, they used it to create the government even stronger.
  • Protesting

    “colonists began to protest against these new British taxes and laws” (Ducksters)
    Americans didn’t like the way the British government treated them. They began to protest for their freedom. They wanted their nation to become free again.
  • Boycott

    “Americans struck back by organizing a boycott of the British goods that were subject to taxation, and began harassing the British customs commissioners.” (
    The British raised taxes in America. Americans didn't like this, so they started a boycott to get their rights. Americans wanted to be free from the British. So, they started the boycott and harassed them for their freedom.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    “In 1773, the British imposed a new tax on tea. Several patriots in Boston protested this act by boarding ships in Boston harbor and dumping their tea into the water. This protest became known as the Boston Tea Party.” (Ducksters) The British imposed a new tax on tea, Americans didn’t like that the taxes were going up. They dumped a whole lot of tea into a harbor, because they’ve had enough of the British. They didn’t want to be controlled any more.
  • Enlightenment Helps Americans

    Enlightenment Helps Americans
    “The Enlightenment ideas were the main influences for American Colonies to become their own nation.” (ukessays)
    The enlightenment influenced Americans to fight back against the British. Americans wanted their freedom.
  • The enlightenment helped the revolution

    The enlightenment helped the revolution
    “The American Revolution sought to put those Enlightenment ideas into practice in creating a government based on liberty and justice for all.” (Brainly)
    The enlightenment helped Americans regain their freedom from the British. But also, the enlightenment helped America grow stronger. Their government grew stronger than it was before, thanks to the enlightenment ideas.
  • Citations

    Citations essay.php#:~:text=The%20Enlightenment%20was%20the%20root,of%20press%2C%20and%20religious%20tolerance.&text=The%20Enlightenment%20ideas%20were%20the,to%20become%20their%20own%20nation.