The American Revolution

  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    King George lll was disliked by Americans due to the unfair taxes he brought upon them. These taxes called The Stamp Act were to help pay for war.
  • The Coercive Acts

    The Coercive Acts
    Lord North, the new British prime minister, carried out King George lll's ideas of forcing American obedience. The Coercive Acts, a series of laws in response to the Boston Tea Party were created.
  • The Declaration Of Independence

    The Declaration Of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was drafted by Thomas Jefferson and established the United States as an independent nation. This meant Americas freedom from the British rule.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    Alongside the French and led by George Washington, The American army manage to trap General Cornwallis's army. This led to the surrender of the British.
  • Loyalists Leave America

    Loyalists Leave America
    Thousands of Americans who were loyal to the British rule left America and found new lives in Canada, Britain, and different British colonies.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was the treaty negotiated by Benjamin Franklin, the end of the American revolution and the start of Americas recognition as an independent nation.
  • End of The Articles Of Confederation

    End of The Articles Of Confederation
    In May of 1787, congress came together to make the decision of revising the Articles of Confederation. The decision made was to create an completely new government.
  • The U.S Constitution

    The U.S Constitution
    On this day, the U.S constitution was signed. This document followed the Articles of Confederation and was the separation in power in the government, as well as the laws that protect the people’s rights and duties.