Amercian flage

The American Revolution

  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    In 1754 the French and Indian War began, it lasted for 7 years. It all started because when the French expanded into the Ohio River, it brought repeated conflict with British. After the 7 year war, it ended with the signing of The Treaty of Paris. In the 7 year war there were many other battles that happened during it. In having the war, the Great British gained and enormous about of land in North America.
  • Stamp Act of 1765

    Stamp Act of 1765
    On March 22nd 1765, the Stamp Act of 1765 was created to help pay for British troops stationed in the colonies during the Seven Years' War. The people did not agree with the Stamp Act of 1765, it made them pay taxes in the form of a Stamp on every paper that they used. It helped the British in the Indian and French War.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    On March 5th 1770, the Boston Massacre happened on King Street. It didn't start as a killing massacre though, at first it started as a fight between British soldiers and the Colonists. The Colonists were mad at the fact that they had to pay taxes. The fighting soon turned into the massacre. In the end it ended up paving the way for the American Revolution.
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  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    On December 16th 1773, the Boston Tea Party took place. It took place because of a bill that was spouse to save the East India company by lowering it's tea tax. It was a political protest, the Americans were angry at the British for dumping 342 chests of tea that was imported by the East India Company. This protest only fueled the tension that was already between the British and the Americans.
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  • Intolerable Acts(Coercive Acts)

    Intolerable Acts(Coercive Acts)
    On June 2nd 1774, the British passed 5 laws against the Americans. One of the laws allowed high ranking military officers to demand better accommodations if they did not like the ones they were given. It also allowed them to refuse to stay somewhere if they didn't like that as well. It brought up anger from the Americans that the colonists had felt during the other Quartering Act of 1765. The laws took place after the Boston Tea Party had taken place.
  • First Continental Congress Meet

    First Continental Congress Meet
    On September 5th 1774, the Continental Congress meet for the first time. After they were pushed to meet by the Intolerable Acts in 1774. At the meeting they passed and signed the Continental Association in it's Declaration and Resolves.
  • Olive Branch Petition sent to England

    Olive Branch Petition sent to England
    On July 5th 1775, the Olive Branch Petition was sent to England, they hoped that in sending this it might prevent a war from being declared. It didn't end up working though, the King refused to accept or even consider the petition. In the petition it basically stated there loyalty tot he British crown, and also stated the rights they had as British citizens.
  • Declaration of Independence adopted

    Declaration of Independence adopted
    On August 2nd 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress. It was adopted because the colonists were seeking independence. The Declaration of Independence stated the freedom and independence form Britain. By having the Declaration of Independence adopted, America could now become allies with the French and now they could have help from the French in the war.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Yorktown

    On September 28th 1781, the Battle of Yorktown, the battle started because Cornwallis was ordered by Clinton to provide protection to the British fleet in the lower Chesapeake Bay. On October 19th 1781, the war came to an end due the fact that the British didn't have enough money or resources. After the war ended it was marked the conclusion of the last major battle of the American Revolution.
  • Treaty Of Paris signed

    Treaty Of Paris signed
    On September 3rd 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed. Signing this ended the American Revolution, and recognized the Independence of America. The French decided to give up all it's territories in Northern America. In doing so it ended all of the threat against the British colonies there.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    On May 25th 1787, the Constitutional Convention happened. They decided to come together to decide how America was gonna be governed. The meeting was originally held in secret so that they didn't have all of the outside pressure when deciding what to do. In the end they produced the first written constitution for any nation in the history of the world.
  • Great Compromise

    Great Compromise
    On July 5th 1787, the Great Compromise was created by all of the smaller and larger states because of a fight that took place at the Constitutional Convention. The larger state wanted a elected leader. Later the Great Compromise settled matters of the representation in the government.
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  • Constitution is Ratified

    Constitution is Ratified
    On June 21st 1788, the Constitution was ratified, it was ratified so that the public was informed of the new government. After the Constitution was rarified the government set up dates that they would hold elections. Sense the 13 states ratified the Constitution they all left not being unhappy with anything.
  • Bill of Rights adopted

    Bill of Rights adopted
    On December 15th 1791, the Bill of Rights was adopted. After the congress agreed of the 12 amendments and it was sent the states to be approved. The States adopted the Bill of Rights to insure the protection of the rights on an individual. The Bill of Rights spelled out all of the rights a person has.