
The American Revolution

  • The Election Of Lincoln

    The Election Of Lincoln
    He was elected and promised that he would end slavery, in which caused the south to be fearful and make threats of leaving the United States.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • The Seceding South

    The Seceding South
    They first seceded December 20th 1860, 44 days after the election of President Abraham Lincoln. They left the south because the U.S wanted them to stop practicing slavery. but also wanted some other southern states to leave with them since they had a higher population of slaves.
  • Firing On Fort Summter

    Firing On Fort Summter
    The confedercy fired first at Fort Summter because of slavery and that it was in the middle of a major port. They couldnt trade because the Union Army was there.
  • The Virginia Confederacy

    The Virginia Confederacy
    Virginia joined the Confederacy making Richmond the Conferderate capital after the battle of Fort Summter.
  • Battle Of ( Bull Run ) First Manassas

    Battle Of ( Bull Run ) First Manassas
    The Union forces were slow in positioning themselves, allowing the Confederate reinforcements time to arrive by rail. Each side had about 18,000 troops in their first battle. It was a Confederate victory followed by a disorganized retreat of the Union forces.
  • Jefferson Davis

    Jefferson Davis
    Jefferson Davis is elected president, not of the United States but og the Conferderate States Of America. He ran unopposed and was elected to serve for a asix year term.
  • Battle of shiloh

    Battle of shiloh
    The Battle of Shiloh was a major battle i the western theater of the American Civil war,