The American Revolution

  • proclomation of 1763

    proclomation of 1763
    in 1763 the proclomation was what all wars were made from
  • the french and indian war

    the french and indian war
    The french and indian war was back in 1764 when they got fed up with eachother and started a war with eachother.
  • the stamp act

    the stamp act
    it was when every paper was taxed and was very not good
  • the townshend acts

    the townshend acts
    it was a series of acts made in
  • the boston massacre

    the boston massacre
    The boston massacre was a huge street fight in 1770 where many people lost their lives.
  • the tea act

    the tea act
    the tea act was when people put tax on tea
  • the boston tea party

    the boston tea party
    the tea act was when many people got on a ship that had many tea on it and threw it all overboard and it was in
  • intolorable acts

    intolorable acts
    this is what people call intolorable acts is like tax on tea and taking over all the colonys
  • lexington and concord

    lexington and concord
    this is were many many wars broke out
  • the decloration of independance

    the decloration of independance
    The decloration of independace is what was made all the wars back then die down and settle down