The French and Indian War
Also known a the seven years war, the French and Indian war was a battle that lasted from 1756 to 1763. At this time the French had became allies with the native americans, something many countries in Europe failed to do. So because of the fact that no one could become allies with the native americans other than France Britain declared war. -
The Stamp Act
The Stamp Act is an important event in the American Revolution because it's when the British tried to raise their profits by taxing the colonists. However, this plan backfired because the colonists couldn't be taxed without any representation because the colonists had no government. -
Townshend Acts
The Townshend Acts are very important as well because in 1767 this is when the British started taxing everything the colonists had including taxing tea, glass, lead, paper, and even paint. This infuriated the colonists and they had to do something about it before everything got out of control. -
The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre is one of the most infamous events in American history due to the conflict between the colonists and the British at the time. Basically, a group of British soldiers came in the aid of a sentry who was being pressed by a small and loud crowd. So the soldiers let loose and started shooting at the group and killed 5 men. The captain of the soldiers was later charged with manslaughter and arrested. -
The Tea Act of 1773
The Tea Act of 1773 is also very important in the American Revolution. Basically there was a floundering East Indian company that the British were bailing out. The British gave this company a monopoly based on the importation and sales of the tea in the colonies. The colonists were infuriated and so in rebellion against the British they took all of the Tea and boarded the company's ships just to dump out all of the Tea that they had into the sea. This led to what ended the American Revolution. -
The Revolutionary War
This was it, the final chapter, the end of the American Revolution. The Revolutionary War was started when the colonists were done putting up with all of the crap the British were putting them through. So the colonists declared war and they were at a clear advantage for multiple reasons. The battle was long and hard fought, but America took victory in the end and gained it's independence from Great Britain after having Britain sign many documents to finalize America's Independence.