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The American Revolution

  • The beginning of the Enlightenment

    People began to think and question many things. people embraced that humans can advance throught rational change.
  • The French Indian War

    The French Indian War
    The French Indian War lasted for seven years. The english and french faught for colonial domination in North America. The colonies also grew in population.
  • Treaty of paris

    Treaty of paris
    The Treaty was between Portugual , Great Britain , France and Spain. The treaty was the cause of ending the Indian and French War. Great britain was allowed to vast Spanish and French regions within North America.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act revised duties upon coffee, sugar , tea , wine , etc. The colonist felt as if it was unfair. They started to assemble protest against the taxes.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The stamp act made printed documents only issued on special paper that is stamped that has to be purchased. The colonists responded with riots and debt collectors were forced to resign. The stamp act was repealed March 18, 1766.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea act decresaed some duties on tea. The parliament allowed East India Company permission to sell tea to Americans.This lead to the Boston Tea Party.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    People disguised as Mohawk Indians dumped more than 300 crates of Tea into the Boston Harbor. This event was named the boston tea party. It angried the British , and they passed the intolerable acts.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The british tried to seize military supplies from the Massachusetts Militia. That led to the first military event of the American Revolution.
  • The Second Contiental Congress

    Colonial delegates met in Philadelphia. They wanted to decide if they should reconcile with the British.The congress voted to create a continental army.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The declaration of Indeendence is a document to declare Americas independence from the British. The document was signed by many of the colonists toward freedom (i.e John Hancock). In america july 4th is a celebration of this document and America's independence.
  • Thomas Paine publishes "Common Sense"

    Thomas Paine publishes "Common Sense"
    "Common sense" said what the colonists thought , but never said aloud. It was about the colonists recieving their freeedom. The book was at first publish anonomously , and people guessed who the author could be.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge was a six month encampment of the continental army. There was no fight at valley forge. The army was under the command of George Washington.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    The rebellion was led by Daniel Shay. He was an American Revolution veteran. It was for indebted farmers and farmeras who wanted revisions within the government.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Delegates met in Philedelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation. It framed the United States Consitution. The convention was presided by George Washington.
  • Ratification of the constitution

    Ratification of the constitution
    Most of the delegates approved the constitution documents. It informed the public about the revises made to create a new government.