The French and Indian War begins
The French and Indian War started becuase the British, French, and the Indians from the area wanted to have control of the Ohio River and the land around it. On May 28, 154 George Washington tried to take over Fort Meadows, and then that is when the first shot of the war occured. -
Treaty of Paris (1763)
The Treaty of Paris (1763) was signed by Great Britain, France, Spain, and Portugal. The signing of the treaty marked the end of the French and Indian War and led to the British dominating areas outside of Europe. -
Royal Proclamation
The Royal Proclamation was put into place on this date by King George the third. The proclamation made it so that colonists could not live or settle beyond the Appalachians. -
Townshend Acts
The Townshend Acts were a series of acts thta helped the governement to get more money. The Townshend Acts started with the Royal Proclamation and also included the Stamp and Sugar Act. -
Sugar Act
A new verison of the Stamp act was created that said that foreign goods like sugar, certain wines, coffee, pimiento, cambric and printed calico, and more had to be taxed. This upset the colonists. -
Stamp Act
This upset the colonists just as much as the Sugar Act did. The Stamp Act said that colonists had to pay taxes on every single paper such as legal documents, licenses, and even birth certificates. -
Stamp Act Congress
The Stamp Act Congress met in New York where they got rid of the Stamp act that made colonists pay taxes on every single piece of paper. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre occured beause a group of colonists were throwing snowballs at soldiers. One of the soldiers got upset and shot their musket and other soldiers followed in his lead. -
Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party occured because the British rose the cost of tax on tea to make up for the money lost during the French and Indian War. 200 men dressed up as indians pushed 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. -
First Continental Congress
The First Continental Congress was a group where a represenative from each colony could go and discuss their problems about the British. -
Patrick Henry "Give Me Libertry"
Patrick gave this famous speech and spoke against the British tyranny. Henry motivated the Virginia Provincial Convention to bear arms against England and then to vote for independence from England. -
Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
Paul Revere rode ahead to Concord to warn coloonies about the English prearations. Revere was not the only one who rode that night. He was joined by William Dawes and Samuel Prescott. -
Battles of Lexington and Concord
At Lexington, the British leader told his men to lay down their weapons, and the colonial leader told his men to disperse. All of a sudden a shot was fired, we don't know who shot it. This led to a fight. After that fight, the Redcoats marched on to Concord lookng for the ammunition, which wasn't there anymore. As they were making their way militia's from other colonies helped fight the British and led them to retreatiing back to Boston. -
Fort Ticondeorga
Fort Ticonderoga was captured by the Green Mountain Boys led by Ethan Allen and Colonel Benedict Arnold got past a group of British by the fort. The men took cannons and other weapons back to Boston. -
Second Continental Congress
The Second Continental Congress consisted of some of the same people that were a part of the First Continental Congress, but had new members like Benjamin Franklin and John Hancock. They has the same purpose which was to discuss the problems they had with England. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
The Battle of Bunker Hill occured because the English wanted to take over hills thta the Militia had. The Militia heard about attack and decided to try to attack first. During the fight the Militia began to run out of ammuntion and Prescott told them to, "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes. " The Militia eventually had to retreat and then England won. -
"Common Sense" was published
Thomas Paine wrote the "Common Sense" because King George 3 said that the colonists had to choose between loyalty and independence. In the "Common Sense" he encourages people to choose independence. -
British evacuate Boston
After the capturing of Fort Ticonderoga the cannons taken were placed on the top of Dorchester Heights, this scared many of the British. After a week of waiting for winds, the British finally left Boston and went to Novia Scotia. -
Declaration of Independence announced
The Second Continental Congress got the "Commitee of Five" to write the Declaration of Independence. The declaration had five parts that talked about why they should be independent from England. Everyone who signed the Declaration of Independent were committing treason. -
"The Crisis" published
Thomas Paines book "The Crisis" was published that tried to convinve the colonists to choose independent just like the "Common Sense" did. -
Washington captures Trenton
Before capturing Trenton, a battle ocoured. The battle took place in Trenton, New Jersey. George Washington wanted to capture Trenton. While crossing the Delaware River they fought Hessian's and defeated them and captured Trenton. -
British defeated at Saratoga
The battles that took place at Saratoga lasted for 18 days starting on September 19, 1777. Two battles were fought in which the British won the first and the Americans won the second. On October 7, 177 the British surrendered. -
Period: to
Winter at Valley Forge, PA
During the winter from 1777-1778, there was a camp that held the American army. Over this time period Baron von Steuben taught the army classic European styles of warfare. They later showed their skills at Marmouth with a victory that forced the English to move south. -
John Paul Jones defeats the Serapis
The US ship Bonhomme Richard, commanded by John Paule Jones, defeated the British ships Serapis and Countess of Scarborough in a tough sea battle. -
Bendict Arnold plans found out
Arnold met with Andre (head of Brtish troops) to make a plan to turn over West Point and his men. Andre was captured and executed when the plans were found out. Arnold then fled and became the leader of the British troops. -
Cornwallis surrenders
Cornwallis surrenders all the British men to a troop of Americans and French at Yorktown. This brought a close to the American Revolution.