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The American Revolution

  • End of The French and Indian War

    End of The French and Indian War
    This caused Britain to tax the Colonies in order to pay for the cost of the French and Indian War. It also lead to the Intolerable acts (series of laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 to increase taxes). This left the Colonist wanting fewer taxes, more representatives in parliament, and the soldiers to leave. The event is part of the incubation stage because people are festered, but are not yet acting on the situation.
  • The Sons of Liberty

    The Sons of Liberty
    Sons of Liberty, a political group made up of American patriots, formed to protect the rights of the colonists from the usurpations by the British government after 1766. This event is part of the symptom stage of a revolution because it shows the patriots starting to make a plan of change against the Brits.
  • Committees of Correspondence Created

    Committees of Correspondence Created
    Groups of colonists began to create Committees of Correspondence, which would lead to their own Provincial Congresses in most of the colonies
    This event is part of the symptomatic stage of a revolution because it is one of the first steps to publicly calling for a change.
  • The British Fight Back

    The British Fight Back
    The British fight back by sending their troops to enforce law, by inscreasing taxes, by having more laws, and by creating stronger punishment (intolerable act). This is a part of the symptom stage of the revolution because Britain is taking action in making sure they stay strong.
  • A Period of Terror Occurs

    A Period of Terror Occurs
    A period of terror includes the Boston Tea Party in 1773, which led to the Intolerable Acts (an intense crackdown by the British government). Men were executed by tar and feathers, ( beaten, covered in tar, coated in feathers, then executed) one of the most horrible means of execution in history.
    Also included in the Terror stage is the American Revolutionary War which lasted from 1775 -1783. This is part of the crisis stage because it involves actions of fighting, up to a whole war.
  • Fighting Breaks Out

    Fighting Breaks Out
    The Colonies mobilize their militias, and fighting breaks out in 1775. Also once in power, the revolutionaries begin to quarrel among themselves, and unity begins to dissolve, fighting breaks loose when the loyalist and patriots different sides clash. This event is part of the crisis stage because it involves conflict where sides for and against
    the revolution compete.
  • The Olive Branch Petition

    The Olive Branch Petition
    The Olive Branch Petition was adopted by the Continental Congress in July 1775, in an attempt for peace. The petition affirmed American loyalty to Great Britain and entreated the king to prevent further conflict. The petition was rejected when the king proclamed they were "rebels". This event is part of the crisis stage because it still shows how the loyalist were trying to take a stand against the patriots and favor the King.
  • A Strong Man Emerges

    A Strong Man Emerges
    George Washington, and all the founding fathers held a meeting of constitutional convention. Also the Articles of confederation: The original constitution of the United States, ratified in 1781. This event is part of the symptom stage of a revolution because it is a direct attempt at changing the society.
  • The Revolution Ends

    The Revolution Ends
    The Revolutionary War ends in 1783, also the Declaration of independence was written on July 4th and America gains independence from Britain, the revolution is over.
    This stage is the Convalescence stage of a revolution because the Colonist are finally recovering from the extreme disruption, although not all the revolutionaries are to satisfaction.