The American Dream Changing

  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    this set the precedent of the American dream, by saying that every citizen has the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." This is important because basically anybody who became a U.S. citizen would have the freedom to live a happy life without worry of an overbearing, rude government.
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    Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny gave the American people a goal- to make it to the west coast. This is important because it really helped spread America out, therefore changing each citizen's goals in life. People started working toward making money enough to move out west, pioneers had a place, and everybody was just striving toward the same ideal. Although at one point the USA used Manifest Destiny as an excuse for war, it was a generally positive although somewhat selfish addition to the American dream.
  • Emergence of a Middle Class

    Emergence of a Middle Class
    The middle class basically developed because of the American values of hard work and honestly, and working for your money. After it emerged, people began to really appreciate not being labeled as in the "low" or "high" classes, denoting being poor or rich. Even more than ever the hard work mattered, because the presence of a middle class allowed a bit more social and economic mobility in America.
  • Immigration of East and Southern Europeans

    Immigration of East and Southern Europeans
    These immigrants came to America in the hopes of living a free life free of repression. They valued hard work and the meritocracy that the U.S. was legend to be. Just as the movie An American Tail depicts, immigrants come to the promised land because, "there are no cats in America, and the streets are paved with cheese," but even the characters of this movie knew that hard work was a trait to be highly regarded- it shows good character, and everyone wanted to be a hard worker to provide.
  • The Roaring 20's

    The Roaring 20's
    The roaring 20's were a time that began shifting the focus of life and what people valued most. Instead of somebody thinking first and foremost about being a hardworking, self reliable kid, they started focusing a lot on partying, having fun, and being young. The emergence of flappers gave women a fun aspiration and activity. The scandalous new style of dress for women also held a focus, and people really wanted to be known for being fun as opposed to being known as a steady hard worker.
  • FDR's New Deal

    FDR's New Deal
    Through FDR's New Deal plans, America began focusing on helping others out, and aiding the less fortunate and needy in society. This helped add a softer side to the American dream that hadn't been seen as much with the selfishness of Manifest Destiny.
  • Credit Cards

    Credit Cards
    Credit cards allowed the citizens of the US to focus more on material gain. The option to buy now, pay later became all the rage and still is. Americans began to be able to buy all the nice products they desired without having to worry about having all the money for it right on the spot. Looking back, it was probably not the best invention for society seeing as credit card debt is a huge issue in modern day America.
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    Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley's fame and recognition by the public as an idol launched the American dream's new facet-the desire to be famous. It has been and still is a large focus in the life of many people. This has hindered America's chances of having good, moral, hardworking society because of the rising of reality TV, and other such occupations that exist for the sole intention of getting people famous at any cost. The obsession with fame is a huge downfall in the current American Dream
  • The Hippie Movement

    The Hippie Movement
    The hippies were a rebellious group whose focus in life was love and happieness. They didn't reflect the general public's opinions and values, but there were a good amount of folks that shared these ideas. The notion of the American Dream being more of a focus on being happy instead of thinking first of money is hard for people to wrap their heads around nowadays probably, but hippies were very happy people.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Martin Luther King, Jr's work toward an attempted racial equality added yet another dimention to the American dream. People saw another goal in helping the African Americans, or taking steps to improve their racial equality. The whole deal with MLK Jr is one example of a good, positive step in the right direction in the development of the American dream.