Period: to
"The American dream" 29s to 60s
The big crack is how we know to the crisis of america on the 29s.
The black thuesday is he day what america was on deep.
The people was hunger and unemployment. -
Blacks persecutions
The people kill black people , in this period was a lots of blacks persecutions.All the population was frightened.
A important author was orson welles , he do radio , cine etc , the play what make he famous was the radio play the wars of wordls and the film macbeth -
At that time there were a big economical and finacial crisis. -
The grapes of wrath
Was the literaly obra most important of this time , was wrtthe by Jhon Steinbeck , this obra was about one family what have to go out of his country found news places for cultive. -
The Grapes of Wath
The Grapes of Wrath is an American realist novel written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939. For it he won the annual National Book.
It was a novel based on a poor family that had economic hardship, and changes in financial and agricultural industries. -
War of Worlds
The people was hungered and frigtened so it apeared a way of thinking that is coled the American dream, it consist on think that America is a place of oportunitis and you can became rich in a sort period of time. -
5th "enmienda"
II world war , the people was frightened. The indusatries only desing and create news bombs and guns.
Was created the 5th enmienda , arthur miller was the beginer of the "American Dream" -
II World War
The second World War was "positive" for America, because it created employamem like people that had to go to the war, created bombs, gums... -
Arthur Miller
Arthur Asher Miller was born on 17th October 1915.
He was an American playwright and essayist. He was a prominent figure in American theatre, writing dramaslike All My Sons, The Crucible... in all of his works he included humor and he used a lot of methafors.
Ones of his mos importants phrases are:
I do not regret at all having run all risks for what I cared about.
I think it is possible to live without ideals or future religion or feeling. The hospitals would be full of crazy. -
Cold war
On America the people think and belive on a new way of life, they pray for freedom and the liberty of expresion -
American Dream
At that time there were high salaries and it was a consumision boom so the american dream became very popular. -
Slogan "never before" marked a milestone.
Was the epoc of Martin Luther King -
Luther King
Martin Luther King was born in january the 15th of 1929, he was an American clergyman, activist, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement.
Ones of his most important phrases are:
I have a dream, one dream, to dream. Dreaming of freedom, justice dream, dream of equality and hopefully no longer need to dream them.