American dream

The American Dream

By lex5
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus set out on his journey in order to prove that the world was round, by sailing west he expected to reach the far East. The result of his voyage led him to be the founder of America. He considered the inaccurate beliefs to be intellect and logical and he proved the unknown!
  • Period: Aug 3, 1492 to

    Timeline of events

  • Pilgrims Puritans and Plymouth

    Pilgrims Puritans and Plymouth
    These individulas sailed from England in search for religious freedom. There vision for the New World was to be " the light of the world ", and lead a new era into peace and security. The Christains have left a huge impact on culture, life and pollitics in America today.
  • Decleration of Independence

    Decleration of Independence
    The Decleration gave all men unalienable rights, Life, Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness. It also gave man the opportunity to be created and treated equally.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    The Manifest Destiny was the westward expansion acorss the United States. It gave the economy a chance to expand commerce , and it gave individuals the opportunity to gain land and natural resoiurces. Manifest Destiny was a crucial part of American History because it established the basis for our modern day country.
  • Roaring 20's

    Roaring 20's
    This period emphasized the period's social, artistic, and cultural dynamism. The U.S gained dominance in world finance. Everything was operated with technology. New technologies such as , automobiles, moving pictures and radio was a large contribution to the population also.
  • First Television Invented

    First Television Invented
    Philo Farnsworth changed the world after developing The Television. It allowed individuals to obtain news and updates in everyday life faster. It also created entertainment for the people, from the news, to cartoons, to comedy channels, to movies. The TV impacted people's life, br bringing the information directly to them.
  • The Gold Rush

    The Gold Rush
    The Gold Rush gave individuals the opportunity to try and find luck out west. While there, miners recovered billions of dollars in gold, and it sparked a new era for America. It made America into a wealthy nation, and opened doors for many indivduals.

    In Post World War II a baby boom was brought to many countries.There were an estimated 77.3 million Americans who were born during this boom. Marriage rate rose sharply and reached an all-time high while family size increased sharply throughout the baby boom era. Immediately after the war however , birth rates in the United States started to decline.
  • Credit Cards into full swing

    Credit Cards into full swing
    The Credit Card opened a whole new world for Americans! It fueled many individuals to do whatever they want! It was so simple for all them to say" I'll put it on my card, I'll pay it off later" Who knew such a simple piece of plastic could have huge impact on society. It created a better standard of living for Americans and consumers now could charge their way into amazing new lifestyles their parents could only have dreamed of having.
  • Neil Armstrong walks on the Moon

    Neil Armstrong walks on the Moon
    Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon, He showed us that anything is possible. Your goal can be accomplished if you work your hardesr at what your trying to achieve. Armstrong also influenced people to discover space and new technology advances. It made the impossible ...possible!
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    During the Vietnamese war, More bombs were dropped than all of World War II resulting in the death of 2.5 million people. No war has divided the American public like the Vietnam War. They wanted nothing to do with the war, after having to witness the unthinkable viloence.The Vietnam war also cost the U.S more than $167 billion dollars a year. This definently pushed the economy to its limits.
  • Credit Card Debt

    Credit Card Debt
    In 1986, for the first time in history , families had outstanding debt that was greater than their incomes. The nation was so in debt because of credit cards. Balances had expanded dramatically from about 11.5 percent per year, resulting in people losing their homes, cars and maybe even jobs.
  • Personal Credit Cards

    Personal Credit Cards
    Personal Credit cards were designed to meet your individual needs. Some credit cards can be purchashed from many companies for example, Visa, Mastercard, Capital One, Discover and American Express. With personal Credit Cards they allow you to shop anywhere at anytime. Card numbers will be recognized whenever you shop and you will enter your password to verifyyour account. This securred and helped individual's make sure no one is stealing their money.
  • Internet Expands to World Wide

    Internet Expands to World Wide
    An attempt to make this more amazing companies like Compuserve and AOL began developing color and layouts, but it seemed to still be pretty boring. The World Wide Web saved the net. Not only did it change its appearance,but it made it possible for pictures and sound to be displayed and exchanged. The browser really did begin to change everything. Companies like Google and Amazon appeared, and by 1998 there were about 750,000 commercial sites on the world wide web. America life was changed.
  • Life For the Average American Has Gotten Better

    Life For the Average American Has Gotten Better
    Per Capital Income and adjustment for inflation has doubled. Compared to 20 percent in which it used to be , about 70 percent of families owned places to live in. Also, the average year of the amount of education increased to about 12.3 years of schooling. Lastly, political and technology increased thoughout the U.S.A over the years, making it more and more advanced every day.
  • Personal Responsibility

    Personal Responsibility
    Personal responsibility focuses on ones ability to take care of oneself and treating yourself with respect. But the REAL question is that we need to take action and figure out the difference between what we really need and what we really want.To be successful you need to focus on more of what you need to survive .Americans had a hard time deciphering this because they always leaned towards their personal wants. But we never really put it into perspective that we dont need this stuff to survive
  • Barck Obama

    Barck Obama
    He contributed to the American Dream by developing the provision of universal health care cover. Not only did he do that but he annoced the idea of makihng college educastion afforable. Lastly, he wants to contribute to the American Dream by expanding the number of paid sick days for businessmen and businesswomen.