South Carolina is the first state to suceede from the Union
- South Carolina decided to suceede from the Union because Abraham Lincoln (Republican) is elected as President. Abraham Lincoln wishes to abolish slavery, which prompts the sucession.
- Six other states follow to suit within the next couple months; Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Georgia, Florida and Alabama.
- Attached is the Official Ordinance of Secession of South Carolina from the Union.
- South Carolina decided to suceede from the Union because Abraham Lincoln (Republican) is elected as President. Abraham Lincoln wishes to abolish slavery, which prompts the sucession.
Confederate States of America is Formed.
-The seven states join to form the CSA under rule of President Jefferson Davis.
- The CSA kept with a Consitiution much like that of previous America, yet main Southern beliefes such as the importance of slavery and rights of individual states are emphasized. -
Abraham Lincoln is Sworn into Office.
- His main goal on office is made known as returning all Confederate States to the Union.
Attack on Fort Sumter (Eastern Theatre)
Fort Sumter-
-Link attached about where the battle took place (start at 1:28)
- Signifies the start of the Civil war.
- Jefferson Davis sends Confederate soldiers to capture the fort before Lincoln can send ships to re-supply the fort. The assault starts. -
Last four States join the Confederacy.
- Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Arkansas leave the Union to join CSA.
- They did this since they feared attacks from there Confederate neighbors because of their close proximity.
- The CSA is now 11 States strong.
First Battle of Bull Run (Eastern Theatre)
- Takes place in Manassas Virginia -First real battle of the Civil War -Union and leader McDowell are commanded to fight by Lincoln, although the Union army was not thoroughly prepared.
- Resulted in a Union loss to the Confederate army.
The Trent Incident
- a British vessel is stopped by the Union and searched. Found aboard are two Confederate soldiers.
- It appeared as if the Confederacy was attempting to create ties with Britain because of the war.
- Queen Victoria, Prince Albert and American William Seward created a compromise of an apology from the U.S and a grant to let the men continue on their way.
Battle of Shiloh (Western Theater)
- Battle takes place on April 6th and 17th 1862.
- Takes place in Hardin County, Tennessee.
- General Ulysses S. Grant and Union army v.s General Albert Sidney Johnston and Confederates.
- A victory for the Union army.
- Attached is a link as to why it is believed that the battle of Shiloh was "the turning point" of the civil war.
The Homestead Act of 1862
- The act claimed that it offered farmers 64 hectares of land in the compromises that they tended to the land and used it to grow various crops. This would help to improve the land.
- The act was a failure since the land provided was not soil capable of growing hearty crops. - Attached is a link to a video explaining how the Homestead Act was one of the first acts of welfare in America.
The Seven Days Battle (Eastern Theatre)
-Started on June 25 and ends July 1st.
- The battle takes place in Henrico County, Virginia.
- Lincoln urges Union army General Mc Clellan and army to attack Confederates.
- Confederate soldiers lead by Lee defeat Union forces.
- Attached is a link to the website of the battle field itself. -
Battle of Antietam (Eastern Theatre)
- Battle takes place in Maryland Pennsylvia
- McClellan's Army of the Potomac v.s Lee's Confederates. -During the battles of the morning Confederates are victorious yet during battles later in the day Union win battles which cause Confederate army to retreat.
- Attached is an animated map of where the battles took place, which show the various progressions and attacks of the battle.
- The single blodiest day in the Civil war as well as in all of American History.
Battle of Fredericksburg (Eastern Theater)
- Takes place in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
- Battle lasts from December 11th- 15th.
- General Burnside's Army of the Potomac v.s General Lee's Confederates. -Confederates slaughter the Union. Resulting in 106,000 union casualties. A great ego boost for the Confederates.
- Attached is a link about 10 facts about Fredericksburg.
The Emancipation Proclamation
- Was issued by Lincoln to ensure that all slaves were freed.
- Attached is an actual copy of the Proclamation. (There are 5 pages to be read at the bottom of the page)
Battle of Chancellorsville (Eastern Theater)
- Lasts from April 30th –May 6th 1863.
- Takes place in Chancellorsville, Virginia.
- General Hooker and Union v.s General Lee's Confederates.
- This battle is significant since it was on of Lee's greatest victories and the Confederate loss of General "Stonewall" Jackson.
- Attached is a link of a song about Jackson and why he was a significant figure in the war. Also it talks about what the "Stonewall Jackson's way" is .
Battle Of Vicksburg (Western Theater)
- Battle lasts from May 18th-July 4th, 1863. -General Grant and Union v.s General Pemberton and Confederates.
- Union captures the fortress of Vicksburg which lied on the Mississippi river. This now allows the Union to control precious Confederate land.
- Attached is a link to a website where Lincoln explains the importance of capturing Vicksburg for Union success. (look for the quote)
Battle of Gettysburg (Eastern Theater)
- takes on July 1st–July 3d 1863.
- takes place in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
- General Meade and Union v.s General Lee and Confederates.
- Significant since it was Lee's major failure in the Civil war.
- Attached is a link to a summary of the Gettysburg battle.
- The significance of Pickett's charge.
Lincoln's Gettyburg Adress
Clara Barton starts the American Red Cross
- As a nurse, Lincoln asked her to keep count of dead and imprisoned soldiers at a confederate prison on Andersonville. - Link attached to a biography about her according to the official Red Cross website.
Sherman captures Atlanta
- Sherman's main goal was "to whip the rebels, to humble their pride... and make the fear and dread us (Union)."
- He destroys the entire city costing about $100 million dollars.
Lincoln is sworn into office for the second time
- His address targeted neither the North nor the South as many people though it would. Instead it focused on his wish for peace between the two.
- Attached is a video about the adress.
Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox
- Lee surrenders at the Appomattox courthouse, Virginia. - attached is a link to a clip of "this day in history." (also below the video is a synopsis of what happened)
Lincoln is assassinated.
- Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater, Washington. - Attached is a timeline of how the event happened.
Andrew Johnson become president
- Much like Lincoln, Johnson main goal was to reconstruct America.
- He didn't take Lincoln's plan much into account but cared for what reconstruction could do for poor whites in the South.
- attached is a link of how exactly Johnson went upon reconstucting the country.
The Klu Klux Klan is founded
- Is founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest
- is an organization who harassed any former slaves and any slave sympathizers. - Attached is a "today in history", article about the KKK.
14th Amendment to the Constitution
- The Amendment claimed: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
Creation of the Bessemer converter.
- The creation of the "Bessemer Converter", by Henry Bessemer in England allowed for the melting of iron and this could be molded into steel.
- Andrew Carnegie then created the largest convertor and made millions off of it. - Attached is a link of how this converter actually worked.
The Reconstruction Act of 1867
- Republican congress passes act. This included becoming stricter with the south (i.e having military sanctions within all Southern states, and forcing them to allow black slaves the vote if they wanted to be re-admitted into the Union)
The Purchase of Alaska
-William Seward purchased Alaska from the Russian government for only $7.2 million.
- Attached is a link explaining the details of the purchase. -
The Great Sioux War
- The war lasted from 1867-77
- It was a war between the U.S forces and The Red Cloud Tribe. - Attached is a video explaining the war.
- Resulted in the creation of the treaty of Laramie stating that land including the South Hills of Dakota belonged to the Natives as a Reservation.
The Central Pacific Railroad
- This railroad acted to connect all states in the U.S (transcontinentall)
- It was created through the tireless labor of Asian and Irish immigrants.
- It benefited farmers since it provided them with a new way to ship cattle, grains or any other products.
The 15th Amendment
- Republican congress passes the 15th Amendment allowing all people to vote no matter their race or colour.
The Great Fire of Chicago
- The great fire in this town left 100,000 residents homeless. As well 17,500 other buildings were destroyed in the process.
- The fire proved that city life was poor because it was over crowded. - Attached is a website which links the cause of thise great fire.
The Completion of Central Park
- The park is located in central New York Cit.
- It was created in hopes that it would lessen the harsh reality of the city. It provided the necessary green space that this urban space lacked. It was a form of reconstruction.
The Great Depression of 1873
- Took place from 1873- 1879
- It was caused by the fact that railroad bonds were not being paid.
- Many businesses and banks shut down because of this; leaving many people with out work and bankrupt.
- Attached is a link about the "Panic", and some quotes are added too :)
Rockefeller created Standard Oil
- John D. Rockefeller took full advantage of any bankrupt oil businesses (because of the great depression) and bought them. There was therefore no competition, and Standard Oil was born. It was the largest and most used Oil Company in America at the time.
Little Big Horn
- Americans struck gold in the South Hills of Dakota.
- However this was the land guaranteed to the Natives in the Treaty of Laramie.
- U.S forces do not care and send Lieutenant George Armstrong Custer and U.S soldier to fight for the land.
- U.S ends up attaining this land.
- Attached is a link to a website about the battle.
The Centennial
- Marked 100 years since the Declaration of Independence was signed and America became a country separate of England.
- An exhibition in Philadelphia was put on to show case all the good that had gone on throughout those 100 years. - Attached is a link to an interactive website about the exhaibition.
Rutherford B. Hayes is elected
- this co-insideswith the end of reconstruction because of the many economic and political issues. - attached is a link about Hayes and how he acted to stop reconstruction.