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The American Civil War

  • Harper's Ferry Raid

    Harper's Ferry Raid
    John Brown went to Harper's Ferry and started an uprising on the armoury with a group of free white men and slaves. Unfortunately Lt. Col. Robert E. Lee (Commander of the U.S. Marines) came to Harper's Ferry with a group of Marines to stop the raid. Everyone in the raid was either killed or captured. John Brown was later taken to trial and hanged.
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected

    Abraham Lincoln Elected
    As a member of the Republican party Abraham Loncoln was able to get elected president on November 6th 1860. He was the first president from this party.
  • South Starts to Secede

    South Starts to Secede
    South Carolina seceded from the Union on this day. The state voted to make this decision and they became the first state to do so. Other states began to follow right after.
  • Abraham Lincoln's Inauguration

    Abraham Lincoln's Inauguration
    On this day Abraham Lincoln ofiicialy became the 16th president of the United States of America and promised in his speech that he would not interfere with slavery where it was already in place.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    On this date Fort Sumter was bombarded by southern troops appemting to take the fort over. The fort was hit with heavy fire power causing a great deal of damage to the actual structre. No one was killed olny a horse on the Confederates side. This is what is said to have begun the Civil War.
  • Period: to

    American Civil War

  • Robert E. Lee Resigns

    Robert E. Lee Resigns
    Three days after Virgina seceded from the Union Robert E. Lee resigned from the Union army, later joing the Confederate army and becoming on of their greatest leaders.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    This was the first major battle of the American Civil War. Occured in Prince William County, Virginia near the city of Manassas. The Union Army in this battle was unseasoned and unable to conter the attacks of the Confederates, leading to the Confederates winning the battle. The Union army was led by Irvin McDowell and the Confederates led by Joseph E. Johnston. This battle made them relise that this war was going to be longer then a few months.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    On September 17th 1862 one of the worst battles of the war took place. This was the Battle of Antietam. The Union Army was led by General George B. McClellan and the Confederate Army was being led by Robert E. Lee. Even though the Union Army was at an advantage with a significant number of troops compared to the Confederates the Confederates were still able to fight back. A back and forth fight went on till the 18th of September. The total estimated casualties for this battle is 22,000 soliders.
  • The Battle of Fredericksburg

    The Battle of Fredericksburg
    This battle took place from the 11th to the 15th of December. Just to fight with the opposing army men were forced to cross a river while in line of fire. The Union and Confederate army battle in the streets of Fredericksburg. In the end it was a Confederate win.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

     Emancipation Proclamation
    Made possible because of Abraham Lincoln the Emancipation Proclamation declared that all slaves that were in an area of rebellion were "free".
  • First Conscription Act

    First Conscription Act
    On this day Jefferson Davis proposed an act that made all men between the ages of 20 and 45 liable to be called into military service.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker led his Union army right to Robert E. Lee's army. Lee and Stonewall were able to concieve a plan to come up on theUnions flank, which they did. over the next 3 days they were able to push the Union back till they had a victory, Unfortunatly Stonewall was wounded in the fight and later died.
  • Stonewall Jackson Dies

    Stonewall Jackson Dies
    At the Battle of Chancellorsville Stonwall was wounded and had his arm amputated. He did not die because of the operation, he died of pneumonia on May 10th 1863. This would be hard on the South since he was one of the top commanders after Robert E. Lee.
  • West Virginia 35th State

    West Virginia 35th State
    On June 20th 1863 West Virginia split off from Virginia and became its own state and apart of the union. It also became the only to state to secede from another confederate state.
  • Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg took place from July 1st to 3rd and is the battle that took the most casualties, around 50,000. The Confederates were trying to invade the North but the Union army was able to stop them. They were led by Maj. Gen. George Gordon Meade. In honor of the fallen soldiers Lincoln made his famous Gettysburg Address.
  • Battle of Cold Harbor

    Battle of Cold Harbor
    Ulysses S. Grant led his Union army and attacked the Confederate army at Cold Harbour. This battle lasted till June 12th. In the end it was a Confederate win. They were able to build up fortifications and when the Union army attacked they were able to push them back, winning the fight.
  • Faild Peace Conference

    Faild Peace Conference
    The Hampton Roads Peace Conference was a failure. Abraham Linoln met with reps. from the south in order to find an end to the war. Lincoln wouldn't let the south become independent so the war continued.
  • Abraham Lincoln Killed

    Abraham Lincoln Killed
    On April 14th 1865 Abraham Lincoln, president of the United States of America during the Civil War, was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at the Ford's Theatre In Washington D.C. This was the first time a President had ever been assassinated.
  • Jefferson Davis Captured

    Jefferson Davis Captured
    On May 10th 1865 the President of the Confederate states, Jefferson Davis, was finally captured and tried for treason.
  • Confederate General Surrenders

    Confederate General Surrenders
    On May 26th 1865 on of the last Confederate generals surrenders, General Edmund Kirby Smith of the Trans-Mississippi division. About the end of the Civil War.